In line with the fight against illegal occupations of homes prioritized by the government led by Xavier García Albiol, the Badalona City Council has provided the Guàrdia Urbana and the different municipal areas that intervene in evictions with a new protocol to act in raids. of municipally owned properties. The document not only provides legal security to agents, but also expedites the procedures to proceed with evictions from municipal spaces.

The new approved regulation “allows for protocolizing the actions to effectively fight against the occupation of municipal buildings,” as exemplified by the mayor, who summarizes the new ordinance as the tool “that, from legality, simplifies the actions that allow the acceleration of the processes of eviction” of municipally owned properties.

The document also provides legal security to police officers who intervene in vacancies and expedites the recovery of occupied spaces, since it coordinates police action with those of other municipal departments such as Heritage. The protocol refers to article 28 of law 33/2003, which obliges public administrations to defend their assets and take appropriate actions.

The regulation is applicable to all municipal organizations related to the protection of real estate property owned by the City Council. Once the occupation is detected, the police will draw up a report in which, among others, possible conflicts of coexistence with the environment will be identified. Once the occupants have been informed and identified, the Anti-Illegal Occupation Policies area will be activated to process the corresponding administrative file. If the occupied property is not abandoned voluntarily, foreclosure will proceed.

Once the flagrante crime has been proven, the Guàrdia Urbana agents will be trained to evict the space without depending on a court order, which is sometimes contrary to the recovery of the property, as has already happened in the attempted eviction of the 200 people. who occupy the old B9 high school, where the municipal government plans the construction of a new police station. In the city there are three other occupied municipal spaces, also in the eviction process.

Regarding the old IES Badalona 9, the City Council has initiated the eviction procedure that it has tried to communicate to the occupants without success. Hence, the rejection of the allegations presented by the lawyers acting on behalf of the group of people who have been living illegally in the property for a year and a half is published in the Official Gazette of the Province.