20 kilos of marijuana buds. This is the merchandise that the Local Police of Sant Vicenç dels Horts seized in a van that left a warehouse on Baixada del Camp de Futbol street. In the property, there was a plantation of this drug.

As reported by the Baix Llobregat town council this Wednesday, the police operation, carried out this Monday, resulted in the arrest of three people: the driver of the van and two people who were in the warehouse converted into a marijuana plantation.

This is another operation against the cultivation of marijuana in Catalonia, which has become Europe’s great breeding ground for this drug. On this occasion, it was a municipal police force that was responsible for the coup against drug trafficking.

“It is essential to maintain vigilance against these illegal activities that endanger public health and safety,” said the Councilor for Citizen Security of the Sant Vicenç dels Horts City Council, María Peláez. “The preventive work of the Local Police and citizen collaboration are key to fighting these crimes,” she added.

“We encourage neighbors to report any illegal activity that may affect our health,” Peláez concluded. The same Local Police dismantled, on February 22, another marijuana plantation in another warehouse located on the Torrelles highway.