Eva Amaral and Juan Aguirre attended Hora 25, a radio program presented by Aimar Bretos, to celebrate that they have been dedicating themselves to music for 25 years and to take stock of everything they have experienced and everything they have left to experience.

The music group confessed in said program that they never imagined that they would have such a long career on stage and that their songs would be part of the soundtrack of so many people’s lives, something that to this day continues to be difficult for them to assimilate. “Every time someone tells us that they listened to our songs in the car with their parents, as childhood memories of an entire generation, for us it is very exciting,” explained the singer of the group.

The musical couple met in 1992 in a studio, at which time each of the members was part of another group. “We didn’t think that this was going to become a group. We imagined it as something more open because we started playing covers,” Aguirre confessed in the interview. “We started composing in 1992 and we didn’t release the first album until 1998, there are about eight years of songs, of sensations, of times in our lives,” commented the vocalist to justify the ”dissimilar sounds” that can be found in their different discs.

Despite all the experience they have, the musicians acknowledged in the Cadena SER space that they continue to get nervous before going on stage. The singer explained that there are songs that are difficult for her to sing live, such as I feel like I miss you, a song she composed after the death of her father: ”If you start crying on stage, your voice will cut off and You don’t get out of that nervous loop. We have spent time without touching it, but those emotions are now settling, they will always be there, but they are managed in a different way.”

When Bretos asked them about their next album and what they are currently preparing, they both agreed that they did not have a date, since they are looking to create a work that seems good enough to them and enjoy the process and the music. However, they acknowledged that they have many songs prepared that they need to “find the dress to show them off with.”

As it could not be otherwise, the interviewer asked the musical duo about the viral moment in which Eva Amaral decided to take off the top part of her dress at the Sonorama concert and show her breast in front of 35,000 people. The singer acknowledged in the space that she thought about it three days before the concert, just when she saw what had happened to Rocío Saiz: “That a police officer came up to stop her concert and that she received all those comments was decisive. It gave me the feeling of “That she felt alone in that struggle of hers and that the music world was not reacting to her. Posting a tweet was not enough.”

“I know that I did not gain any rights that night, but what cannot be is that the next day I am losing it because people are not able to understand that on stage we are free and not only there, we should be free in our life,” the artist openly explained after publicly denouncing that she is terrified of living in a world dominated by censorship.

Eva Amaral shared that she does not understand why if a man takes off his shirt nothing happens and if she takes it off it is an ”act of provocation”, although she understands that there is a social taboo on the female breast.

Finally, the artist confessed that they had suffered an incredible wave of hatred, but that that moment has become “the greatest liberation she has ever felt”: “All that mountain of hatred proves me right. I would do it again.” do, I have no regrets.