As a result of an alleged sexist attack on a minor who participated in the night of L’Esquitxadeta in Canet de Mar (Maresme) organized by Los Tabalers dels Diables and Esplai Bitxus, local youth organizations, the party that was held in the civic center and cultural Vil·La Flora ended with a massive fight that moved to the doors of the nearby institute, in which the aggressors used bottles and iron bars.

A minor allegedly sexually assaulted another minor early last Sunday, causing a riot that ended with the intervention of security personnel who expelled the person they accused of being the aggressor. According to some witnesses, he went in search of reinforcements who returned and confronted the group defending the attacked woman, who initially managed to confront the first attack. However, the group returned accompanied by at least one adult and armed themselves with sticks and iron bars, with which they supposedly attacked those who were defending the girl.

The Mossos d’Esquadra arrived at the scene around three in the morning when the area presented a desolate appearance with a large amount of blood on the ground as a result of the violent attack with bottles and iron bars. They arrested three people, one of whom was the minor who touched the young woman and a 50-year-old man, possibly a direct relative of the alleged aggressor.

As a result of the fight, four people were injured, which, according to municipal sources, were not serious.

On the other hand, some people close to the detained minor offer another version and attribute the initial attack to racist motives and therefore deny that the reason for the fight was touching the minor. At the moment the Mossos are not advancing any hypothesis until the ongoing investigation is closed.

The organizers of the party, together with the Colla de Diables de Canet, Kneteo, Vocalía Jove de la ACPO, Mandrágora, Casal Aisia and Canet Antifa, have issued a statement in which they condemn the sexist aggression suffered by the minor and the subsequent events. that moved to the doors of the institute.