The La Carbona de Vallfogona cow farm in Balaguer in the Noguera region (Lleida) has since this month a pioneering biomethane plant in the State that allows, by treating the farm’s manure, to produce biomethane and fertilizer.

The particularity of the installation, promoted by the company CycleØ, is, according to the company, that it allows “closing the cycle.” Because through ‘stripping’ technology, a nitrate, ammonium sulfate, is obtained, which can be used as fertilizer in crop fields.

The farm has 1,000 head of cattle and the promoters of the project estimate that the plant will avoid the emission of 2,200 tons of CO2 annually. The gas obtained is compressed and transported by truck to the nearest gas pipeline, 6 kilometers away, where it is injected into the network.