“Luxury is a need that begins when the need ends” (Coco Chanel). It is clear that there are other cars that fulfill their function in an equally brilliant way than a Bentley, and for a significantly lower amount… But, sometimes, there are elements – often intangible, or difficult to explain – that justify the existence of this type. vehicular. And it is not, as many think, because of a matter of opulence or vanity, nor because of wanting to demonstrate status or exclusivity, but because of a question of values, sensations, priorities…

It all depends on the importance that each person gives to certain factors, such as beauty, taste, style, class, elegance or distinction; all of them very subjective and personal concepts. There is no doubt that opting for the acquisition of a model like the one tested requires a more than healthy economy, but it also requires a “special” sensitivity to know how to appreciate and value aspects that are uncommon today, and that only a century-old brand can contribute, such as authenticity, tradition, relevance or uniqueness.

In times when vulgarity – understood as the absence of novelty, originality or importance – is widely widespread; where homogeneity prevails in designs and trends; and where fashions are ephemeral and inconsequential, there are (luckily, still…) brands that proudly claim in their products the weight of their origin, their essence and their charisma. They are strengths –almost forgotten, and even reviled– such as artisanal manufacturing, exquisite attention to detail, careful selection of the best materials, masterful execution of traditional manufacturing techniques or the meticulous effort to achieve excellence that They make Bentley a unique, singular manufacturer.

As if it were the coronation carriage of the British monarchy, this vehicle combines the most regal tradition with modern comfort technologies, all the classic pomp and pageantry with sophisticated comforts at the service of the driver, the splendor of yesteryear with modernity more current. In this sumptuous sedan, every finishing detail denotes respect for quality, every surface has been treated with care, and every adjustment has been meticulously supervised.

Their prodigious seats serve as an example; with endless electrical adjustments and position combinations, massages with different programs and intensities, heated and ventilated, extraordinarily comfortable and pleasant thanks to the selection of the most refined leathers with impeccable workmanship in their seams and stitching. The treatment of leather in the cabin – one of Bentley’s hallmarks – is a work of art that can be seen on the dashboard coverings, the sides of the console, the door panels and the steering wheel, whose feel, thickness, diameter and ergonomics are simply unbeatable.

But beyond a lavish interior, both for its majestic atmosphere and for its unmatched comfort and spaciousness – the rear seats are excellent –, the new Flying Spur, in its V8 variant and with the most complete finish (Azure), like the unit provided by Bentley Barcelona, ??it offers driving sensations that we will hardly experience behind the wheel of other prestigious sedans.

Far from being what we might a priori venture as a gentrified three-volume tourism due to its imposing dimensions (no less than 5.30 m long and almost two meters wide without mirrors), this luxury battleship demonstrates admirable dynamic capabilities. Its 2.3 tons of weight does not work in its favor, but it is far from being slow to react and lazy in its response. Nothing is further from reality; In fact, it’s the opposite…

Obviously it is not designed to “curve” on a winding road, but it does not defend itself at all, but not badly, on wide-radius twisty sections. The expressways fit better with his style: a very “gentlemanly” dynamism, serene but surprisingly solvent. Nor is its V8 engine thunderous; It has a very subdued sound at idle, and at high revs it is serious but pleasant and discreet, never strident. Everything about the Flying Spur has been nobly nuanced, softened and neutralized. Even its 550 HP of power demonstrates its polite ways when used. The drive is notable and the delivery is very generous but always progressive and gradual.

Its soundproofing transforms the cabin into a haven of impenetrable peace in which isolation from the outside is almost absolute. For its part, the level of filtration of its suspension assembly is extraordinary, which transforms the road into a permanent “cloud” on which to travel peacefully. In short, its handling is a true sensory pleasure that invites you to drive in a relaxed but not bland or boring manner. Customers of the Bentley Flying Spur V8 will enjoy it in the same way from the rear seats, driven by a driver, as from the front seats, with its owner at the controls.

And best of all – although it perhaps matters little in a car worth 220,000 euros before the personalized configuration of optional extras and additional equipment – ??its consumption is more than reasonable. After two hours of ‘varied’ driving and 100 km completed on different routes, the average figure was 13.2 liters per 100, but in the nearly 400 km driven, we could see values ??lower than 9 liters driving on the highway with speed control at 120.