* The author is part of the community of La Vanguardia readers

Today we are going to continue with this series of four visual challenges related to the mural painting of the high altar of the church of Santa Maria Magdalena de Vergós Guerrejat, population entity of the municipality of Estaràs, in the region of Segarra.

Today we are going to look for the figure that represents Faith. Are you able to locate it in this photograph of the church’s mural painting? This is the new game that I propose to you in The La Vanguardia Readers’ Challenge.

Faith is the belief not based on reason or identification in a god, religion, reality or ideal that is taken as existential truth based on the vital experience of non-material realities.

Faith can also be considered the conviction that something or fact is true, without the need to verify or experience it. It is associated with the will to believe and trust.

Faith in Christianity is based on the work and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Christianity claims not to be characterized by faith, but by the objective of faith. Rather than passive, faith leads to an active life aligned with the ideals and life example of Jesus.

That said, have you already managed to find the representation of Faith in this mural painting from the church of Vergós Guerrejat? Not yet? Well, I’ll give you a clue: have faith even with your eyes blindfolded. And after this little help, I have no choice but to show you the solution to this visual challenge.