
In University City, two large sinkholes have appeared on a well-known city trail, causing concern among residents. The Nielsens, who live nearby, were shocked to see the size of the holes, with one being just 20 yards from their property line. The sinkholes opened up after heavy rain in late March, and the Nielsens fear that more damage could occur with the next storm.

The street where the sinkholes are located is at the bottom of a hill, making it a natural path for water flow. However, the broken storm pipe has caused the water to drain into the sinkholes, creating a potentially dangerous situation. The Nielsens have contacted various city departments, including the City Council and the Storm Water Department, but have not received a concrete solution to the problem.

Aside from the structural concerns, Amy Nielsen is worried about the public health risks associated with the sinkholes. She mentioned the possibility of the sinkholes becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other pests, posing a threat to the community’s well-being.

In response to inquiries from FOX 5/KUSI, the city stated that the sinkholes are a result of deteriorating underground pipes that need to be replaced. The site has been added to a list of future repairs, and the city will monitor it closely to assess its condition. The city emphasized that they prioritize addressing issues that pose threats to public health and safety.

The Nielsens feel helpless and frustrated by the lack of immediate action from the city. They fear that a disaster may occur if the sinkholes are not addressed promptly. Despite being on the city’s radar for future repairs, the Nielsens are concerned about the potential consequences of delaying the necessary fixes.

The community is hoping for a swift resolution to the sinkhole problem to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of residents. With the city’s assurance of monitoring and addressing the issue, residents like the Nielsens are looking forward to a permanent solution that will give them peace of mind.