
Plus-Sized Miss Alabama Fights Back Against Cyberbullies

A plus-sized winner of a Miss Alabama beauty contest has stood up against online trolls who shamed her for her appearance. Sara Milliken, 23, emerged victorious in the National American Miss pageant, but the joy of her win was quickly overshadowed by cruel comments from cyberbullies.

Online critics labeled Milliken as an ‘unhealthy embarrassment,’ questioning her worthiness of the beauty pageant title. Despite the hurtful remarks, Milliken remains steadfast in her determination to not let the negativity affect her as she gears up for the national final in Florida over Thanksgiving.

The cyberbullying Milliken faced serves as a stark reminder of the lasting impact of online harassment. The beauty queen emphasized the importance of spreading positivity and kindness, urging others to think before they type hurtful comments.

Milliken’s win marked her third attempt at the pageant, highlighting the message of embracing one’s natural beauty and fostering self-confidence. Despite the initial backlash, Milliken received an outpouring of support from around the globe, gaining thousands of followers on social media overnight.

As she prepares for the upcoming national final, Milliken remains focused on empowering others to pursue their dreams regardless of societal beauty standards. Her resilience in the face of cyberbullying serves as a powerful example of overcoming adversity with grace and positivity.