In the new drama Blitz, young George embarks on a journey to reunite with his mother Rita during World War II. The film expertly showcases elements such as the exceptional score by Hans Zimmer that builds anticipation and the beautiful cinematography by director Steve McQueen. Saoirse Ronan delivers a solid performance as Rita, a loving mother and factory worker, while newcomer Elliott Heffernan shines as young George. The chemistry between the two leads is a highlight of the film.
Despite these strong elements, Blitz fails to fully explore its overall theme. While the story introduces compelling characters and themes, they often end abruptly without a clear connection. The potential of portraying a mixed Black boy and his single mother during wartime is evident, but the film falls short of standing out among others with similar experiences.
Blitz is rated PG-13 and has a runtime of 120 minutes. It is currently in limited release in theaters and available on Apple TV+.
In addition to Blitz, the Chicago Reader also recommends other films and TV shows for viewers. “Interior Chinatown” takes a meta approach to satire on racism and police procedurals, while “Wicked” is praised as a fantastic movie musical epic that stays true to its source material. “Carnage for Christmas” offers a satisfying holiday treat with its trans slasher film genre, and “Dune: Prophecy” provides an intriguing perspective on vengeance, power, and humanity. “All We Imagine as Light” explores a story of burgeoning love with refreshing tenderness, while “Your Monster” is described as an enjoyable horror rom-com with perfectly cast leads.
These recommendations from the Chicago Reader offer a variety of genres and themes for audiences to explore beyond the film Blitz. Whether viewers are looking for satire, holiday thrills, epic adventures, or tender romances, there is something for everyone to enjoy in the world of film and TV.