If you have any type of online business presence, then you know that attracting positive attention from the search engines is vital. Unless your web pages are showing up high in search engine results, your efforts at search engine marketing are weak at best. There are many strategies that can be employed to boost your pages and capture more attention. Here are three of the most important elements to consider.

Web Page Design

Talk with an expert that is up to date on SEO and one of the first things the professional will want to do is take a look at how your web pages are designed. Now more than ever you need to have a design that loads easily on many different devices, is easy to navigate, and holds the attention of visitors.

One of the ways you can make the pages on your web site as well as any landing pages you have here and there is to keep things as simple as possible. That doesn’t mean getting rid of all the things that add visual interest and color to the pages. What it does mean is getting rid of any baggage that tends to slow the page loading and is little more than visual clutter.

For example, having a store locator is a good idea even if you only have a few locations. On the other hand, a “contact us” page that has over a dozen fields for readers to fill in before they submit the request will not serve you well. You certainly do need a contact page, but restructure the process so it takes seconds rather than minutes for a visitor to submit that request.

Using Meta Tags and Descriptions Effectively

Meta tags and meta descriptions provide information that helps search engines quickly determine what your pages are all about. The tags are often part of the code for the page that appears in the URL. The descriptions are usually picked up and displayed as part of the search engine results. Simplicity also rules the day here. Keep those tags and descriptions short and to the point. You’ll get more love from the search engines if you do.

Audience Targeting Matters But Not as Much as You Think

Identifying the consumers who are most likely to be interested in your goods or services does matter. By all means keep this in mind as you create pages, online ads, and share information on different sites. Just remember that audience targeting should not be the primary focus of your SEO marketing. In fact, it should only claim a minor portion of your attention.

When you identify a target audience, you do create a basic profile. How much any two people who fit that profile will actually agree on key elements of your product offerings will differ. What appeals to one based on traits like personality will not create much interest in the other. This is true even if both happen to be part of the same consumer demographic.

You would do well to pay more attention to keywords and keyword phrases that are placed naturally in your page content. They will help further refine searches and make it all the easier to get your pages in front of people who need what you offer right now.

If you are serious about enhancing your online presence and reaching more of the right users, contact the Seologist SEO company today and arrange to have a few meetings with an expert. In no time at all, you will know what elements to keep, what needs to be changed, and what sort of strategies need to be incorporated into your SEO strategy in order to make it everything it should be.

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