When you think about a school science exhibition, you remember the cardboard dividers on tables and the crowding into a series of rooms or one gymnasium for guests to visit. While there is a charm to the DIY approach to everything; the science project exhibit could be elevated without increasing the budget.

Here are five things you can improve to make a great exhibit:

  1. Have a plan for how guests can make their rounds

It is important to set up the tables for the students with a footpath in mind. After you have sectioned off the students according to topic or class, make multiple entry points. Various entry points allow people to see the exhibit without crowding at the very beginning. It helps distribute the attention of the people. It can be a good way for parents to find their child’s project without looking like they are skipping other people’s set ups.

  1. Step up your banner and poster game

Instead of a regular announcement of the event, have banners and posters ready. With sites like rollerbannersuk com, you can have a professional looking setup. These roller banners can be strategically placed at major entrances to the exhibit and school.

Instead of printing posters on multiple flyers, consider limiting it to an A3 sized poster on photo paper. These posters can be placed around local businesses. It can help attract the attention of other people in the community, old alumni, and friends from other schools.

You can add arrows on the floor as a suggested route or have maps around the exhibit.

  1. Have a good sound system in place

It is essential to have a good sound system in place for reminders, spiels, and emergency situations. A sound system helps with crowd control. There is no need to pass on the message from one organiser to another. And beyond being used for speaking instructions, it can play light music to help set the tone of the exhibit; no need to hear the sound of children talking and screaming, footsteps, and other mundane noise.

  1. Set up a refreshment area

Science exhibits are not known for being a place to socialise and relax, but they can be long and taxing. Have a refreshment booth set up on opposite sides of the room for tired parents or children.  You can stock your refreshment area with light snacks like biscuits, and juice or water. The setup helps keep people in one area without needing to go to the cafeteria for a drink.

  1. Establish the rules early

Try to be as consistent as possible with everything. The portrait posters and landscape banners should have the same style and content. Your instructions should be clear and repeated at intervals throughout the event. Have parameters for how students will set up their tables/booths. Consistency highlights the discipline used in creating their projects.

Baking soda volcanoes, hatching chicks or making potato clocks are some examples of school science project nostalgia.  Improve your current system and set a new bar for your school science exhibit.

Image: Pixabay.com