Putting together the right staff can be a difficult process as certain individuals mesh differently than others. This is going to take keeping morale high by taking care of your employees. Employee retention is a huge part of building an all-star staff as constantly having to train new employees costs company time and money. The following are tactics and tips to help improve employee retention at companies both large and small.

Perks Can Be a Huge Help

The ability to work remotely could be the best perk available to many companies trying to retain employees. This can allow new parents to stay at home with their children while keeping their full-time job.  This should be done carefully as it can be easy to take advantage if not careful. Production should be maintained when working from home to make it a viable option. Make sure that employees understand that this is a privilege that can be taken away if their quality of work suffers. 

Perks like that of free daily lunch might not seem important but for younger employees riddled with student debt this can be a lifesaver. Of course having coffee or energy drinks in the break room can help improve productivity while generating good morale through the office.

If Hurt, Know The Right Processes

The most important thing that you can stress at the office or warehouse is that of safety. Even with all of the right safety precautions put into place there is still a chance somebody will be injured on the job. This can lead to lawsuit with lawyers enlisting legal nurse consultants and experts of all kinds. You do not want to spend copious amounts of money in legal fees so getting the right insurance is paramount. This not only will take care of the injured employee but the employee will think fondly of the company when they heal and return to work. Those companies that do not take care of their injured employees could lose the employee completely when they heal as they will feel more like a social security number than a valued member of the staff.

Paying For Performance

There are always going to be people that are unhappy with the amount of money that they are making. Paying those employees that perform at a high level more than those less productive employees is important. This shows the staff that quality work is important and will be compensated fairly. In certain departments like that of sales commission takes care of keeping star employees happy. Putting a commission system together for production based jobs not only can make more money for the company but also more money for high performing staff. For positions like that of customer service, saving a client through understanding and solving their problem can earn some sort of commission. At the end of the day those employees that are making more money for the company should be getting paid more than their less productive counterparts.

Retain the right employees and guarantee your company’s success for the foreseeable future!