AARHUS (Ekstra Bladet): Holger Rune and Clara Tauson is without a doubt the Danish tennis’ undisputed crown prince and crown princess.

But those who follow the tennissporten close, ‘ve also got an eye on the humble, hard-working and talented Elmer Mills.

The 16-year-old kid from the city has chosen to stake EVERYTHING on his sport, and therefore he is on own hand moved to Stockholm to go to the tennis academy Good to Great.

Elmer Møller (in the middle) flanked by Denmark’s lead single Holger Rune (tv) and the Davis Cup-captain Kenneth Carlsen (th). Photo: Anita Graversen

the Academy is founded by three Swedish tennislegender Magnus Norman, Nicklas Kulti and Mikael Tillström, and the aim is to help young players further from being skilled talents to become established stars.

What is it, Elmer Mills rates depending on. To become a verdensklassespiller.

Tennis is a sport that is insanely difficult to reach the top, but I want to give it a shot and put all my time and energy in it. Now I can focus solely on tennis. The plan is to study further at some point, but right now it’s tennis, I bet on. My dream is to come to live to play tennis, says Elmer Mills and continues.

– It was not a difficult decision to leave Denmark. Although I have said goodbye to family and friends, so it seemed like the only right decision for me. There is, after all, only an hour’s time in the plane from Stockholm to Aarhus. So it is enough it all.

Elmer Mills has left family and friends in Denmark to live and trainer at Good to Great Tennis Academy in Stockholm. Photo: Anita Graversen

Elmer Mills has lived and played at the academy in a year. Although the results were also good, before he moved to Sweden, so can the young Skovbakken-play clearly feel, he moves.

– It is totally wild facilities I have available. It also helped when I was finished with 9. class, for it was still demanding to have to read in the evening and take care of his school by the side of tennissen.

– There being taken care of all at the academy, and I have it as the yolk in an egg. If not I have the desire, I do not need to leave the address at all, says Elmer miller with a smile.

– It is topprofessionelt, and my coach, Joakim Nyström, is really skilled. He has even been the number seven in the world and know what it is about.

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the Conditions are in the top in Sweden for the Danish Davis Cup debutant, Elmer Mills. Photo: Anita Graversen

Ekstra Bladet meetings Elmer miller at his home of Skovbakken. He is at home because he for the first time is selected to the Danish Davis Cup team, which meets in Turkey.

on the whole, things moved fast for the Danish tennistalent, who as a child really just thought it was fun to play which is in the grandparents garden.

– I am proud to be selected for the Davis Cup team at such a young age. It is cool to be a part of a team for once.

– It is a proof I’m doing something right. Last year I was in the EM-final in the U16, and last week I won my biggest victory when I won a Grade 2 tournament in Cairo. It is going the right way. It is just to be with knokle on and become stronger, says Elmer Mills.

7.00: the Alarm clock rings. Elmer has not far to go to the dining room, so there is no morgenstress.

7.15: Breakfast is eaten in peace and quiet.

8.30: Elmer get ready for today’s first training session.

9.00-11.00: Training with Joakim Nyström.

11.00-11.30: Time for a bath, stretching and cooling down.

11.30: Lunch and subsequent relaxation.

13.30-15.30: Training with Joakim Nyström.

16.00: Physical exercise and possible physical therapy.

18.00: Dinner

Then there is free to relax before the next day’s training program.


Kenneth Carlsen: – It is absolutely unique Kenneth Carlsen is extremely excited about the future prospects of both Elmer Mills and French tennis in general. Photo: Anita Graversen

the Danish tennis has a bright future in the meeting. There is absolutely no doubt about that. Clara Tauson and Holger Rune has already managed to beat their way to the limelight, both internationally and nationally.

There is Elmer Mills not quite yet, but according to the Danish Davis Cup-captain Kenneth Carlsen, then it’s just a matter of time, because the potential is so big.

– It is quite unique to have two such talented players from the 2003 (Holger Rune and Elmer Mills, ed.) – even by international standards. It bodes well for Danish tennis. I have great hopes that we can play ourselves back into the World Group, when we have two so talented players. And it is not only William and Elmer, who offers to, says Kenneth Carlsen, who continues.

Elmer is located right in the tail on William, and if he continues to develop at this pace, he can reach far. It is a very ambitious move, he has made a move to Stockholm and bet everything on his tennis. It works to lift him enormously, and it makes me no less optimistic, said Kenneth Carlsen.

Kenneth Carlsen gives advice to his young Davis Cup debutant, Elmer Mills. Photo: Anita Graversen

Denmark’s best male tennis player in recent times knows what he’s talking about. He won three tournaments on the ATP tour and reached number 41 in the world.

If Elmer Mills must surpass the ranking, need to go up in a higher unity, when he must take the huge step from junior to senior, but Kenneth Carlsen believe it succeeds.

– Elmer to become better physically and mentally. Who needs all juniors to build on. In addition, he must be better to go check and manage the matches and be more aggressive, but I know they are working on in Sweden. I think the future looks bright for him, ” says Kenneth Carlsen and turns solid.

– It is not just hot air and based on the aspirations, when I say so. He is one of the world’s best in his age group, and he moves the right way. It shows all of our udviklingsbenchmarks. It is pure statistics. We can see that Elmer has the potential to reach the top. Whether it is the top-100 or top ten, it must eventually show.

the Blue book:

Name: Elmer Mills

Born: 9. July 2003 (16 years)

Club: Skovbakken

Rank single: Urangeret

Ranking junior: 72

the Ranking year: the Number 7 among players born in year 2003 or later.

bonus information: U16 european championship-silver 2018 (Elmer reached the final as a 15-year-old).

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