Billionaire and former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg has paved the way for to be able to stand up to be the Democratic candidate in the presidential election in the UNITED states in november, 2020.

on the Night of Saturday the Danish time has Bloomberg in writing filed its præsidentkandidatur in the state of Alabama in order to participate in the primary election in the state. The write the american media, CNN and news agency AFP.

Bloomberg has not yet officially announced that he is running as a candidate in all the länder.

Alabama’s deadline for kandidatopstillinger is Friday the 8. november. Why should Bloomberg submit his candidacy before then to keep the possibility to put up to præsidentkapløbet open.

the Primaries, to determine who will be the Democratic nominee, to be held in every single state in the UNITED states.

Four states holding elections in February, but the vast majority, including Alabama, hold primaries on Tuesday, the 3. march. This day has been nicknamed ‘Super Tuesday’.

According to Howard Wolfson, who is one of Bloombergs advisors, asking the former mayor is not up to the four primaries in February, if he makes officially up.

– We are convinced that we can win in the states that holds elections from the ‘Super Tuesday’ and beyond, he says to CNN.

– But our late candidacy means that many candidates will have a huge head start, he says.

The next deadline for the establishment of a state is 12. november in the state of Arkansas. Wolfson says that Bloomberg also intends to submit his candidacy here.

If Bloomberg throws himself into the fight, he can, according to The New York Times become a serious threat to the other candidates.

– With his enormous personal fortune, centrist views and close ties to the political establishment, he will pose a serious and immediate threat to the former vice president Joe Biden, who has struggled to collect kampagnepenge, wrote the newspaper Thursday.

Joe Biden is, according to opinion polls, currently the favorite to be nominated as his party’s candidate in front of the senators, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

Michael Bloomberg has several times expressed dissatisfaction with certain parts of both warren’s and Sanders’ political program.

The 77-year-old Bloomberg owns finansmediet Bloomberg News. He is the eighth richest person in the UNITED states and the ninth richest person in the world.

Bloomberg was mayor of New York from 2002 to 2013. In addition, he was a member of The Republican Party from 2001 to 2007.

In October 2018, he joined in The Democratic Party, which he also was a member of before 2001.