Social and interior minister, Astrid Krag (S) is set to take over Henrik Sass Larsen’s place as Folketingskandidat in Køge for the Social democrats.

Kredsbestyrelsen in Køge Lejre-the circle has set her approval to the next general assembly. It writes LørdagsAvisen Køge.

– I’m happy and very humbled by the setting, and I very much look forward to working with the great socialist forces in the two municipalities, if I am selected as a candidate, says Astrid Krag to the newspaper.

the Square is empty, after Henrik Sass Larsen has left the policy for the benefit of a job as the executive director of DVCA, the Danish association for private equity funds in Denmark.

Henrik Sass Larsen left Danish politics after the election. In February, he had reported themselves ready to become finance minister after raskmeldt themselves on top of a depression.

He participated in June in the negotiations to let a new government come to, but the enlisted side from the again to be absolutely healthy. It stated he in the beginning of september with an announcement that he would now concentrate on writing The story.

Shortly after he presented his new job and left Danish politics.

Køge Lejre-the circle has historically been a strong circuit for the Social democrats, who, despite the great deal of the frankincense on Henrik Sass Larsen was up 22.7 percent of the votes in the election 5. June.

Astrid Krag came to the Party in the beginning of 2014, after her former party, SF, was thrown out in a ledelsesopgør.

By-election, where she was put up in the Copenhagen Constituency, she got 17.810 personal votes, about 3,000 more than at the previous election.

Kredsformand Jesper Hesselberg Andersen says to LørdagsAvisen Køge, that the class is happy to have been a heavy candidate who can take up the fight in the circle.

For the choice could the voters in Køge, among other things to vote on, Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V), Naser Khader (K), Jacob Mark (SF) and Søren Espersen (DF).