Yahya Hassan took Denmark by storm with his collection of poems, which bears his name, in 2013.

the Debut was a huge success with over 120,000 copies sold, but at the same time it was also the beginning of a long downturn for the young poet, who has since spent longer periods behind bars in the prison and behind locked doors in psychiatric departments, and have gathered far more enemies than friends.

A friend – one must surmise – that is held by, however, Martin Krasnik, editor-in-chief at Weekendavisen.

– We first met in the City in October 2013, two days after he had given an interview with Politiken on his first collection of poems.

I needed to speak with him in the ‘Deadline’, and the 13-minute-long interview about his parents ‘ generation’s failure, crime and religious hypocrisy, was followed by his reading of digtsamlingens long-poem, in which he ‘piss on Allah and his messenger’, writes Martin Krasnik in today’s Weekendavisen, which brings a great interview with Yahya Hassan, who is hospitalized at the retspsykiatrisk department in Skejby, Aarhus.

Martin Krasnik took Yahya Hassan under his wing, when he was exposed to massive threats in 2013.

– In the course of the night, there came so many threats against him on Facebook, that he could not return to his apartment in the suburbs of Brønshøj, remember Krasnik, who have spoken with the poet in connection with his new poetry collection ‘Yahya Hassan 2’, which is published today.

Exactly as the debut is digtsamlingens cover pitch-black like the content, and the poems are written with big letters, so you almost get them screamed into the face.

the Krasnik remember in today’s interview in Weekendavisen back to the day after his ‘Deadline’-interview with Hassan in 2013. Here you can meet Krasnik and the poet at a café in copenhagen, and then take the home to Krasnik.

– He was living in two months. He then moved in with my younger brother in the house by the side of the in some weeks.

– He, smoke tjald in the backyard. Played PlayStation with my son. And the last couple of weeks kept that for the most part a car with a few PET-people out on the streets, writes Martin Krasnik.

– We saw each other regularly through the whole of the following year, and on christmas eve 2014, he was chanukka out with my parents.

Interview with Yahya Hassan has taken place over the seven conversations in a patienttelefon from retspsykiatrisk department, where Hassan hospitalized – voluntarily, he says – with a psychosis.

– I have never gotten a diagnosis. I’ve got paper on, that I get a stofudløst psychosis. It is true that I do crazy things when I take cocaine. I lose trust in everyone around me, it comes with the cocaine, I lost even the confidence of my own little brother. It was, therefore, I let me interpolate, explains Yahya Hassen to Martin Krasnik, and tells that he threatened his younger brother with a knife.

Now helps the medicine they give him in the psychiatric unit, however, he says.

– It is moving forward. The last year I have used inhalants 12 grams of cocaine a day and smoked a half a plate of hash, and now I am down to one stroke per month, says Hassan.

Extra Magazine trying to get an in-depth interview with Martin Krasnik, who, however, at the present time has not returned at our request.

the BLUE BOOK: Yahya Hassan

Yahya Hassan publisher Friday, a collection of poetry, which is his first since his debut in 2013.

Last year, he was sentenced to psychiatric treatment for an indefinite period of time.

Here you can read about the 24-year-old poet:

Name: Yahya Hassan.

Born: 19. may 1995, in Aarhus V of palestinian parents.

Childhood/adolescence: his Parents divorced when he was seven years old. At the age of 13 he was removed from the home and placed in the institution.

In a social-pedagogical residence developed the then 16-year-old Hassan an error to a 38-year-old contact. The woman was later convicted of having had sexual intercourse with Hassan.

Education: Yahya Hassan has gone on forfatterskolen.

Literature: In October 2013 he published the book “Yahya Hassan”, that 120,000 copies sold was the so far best-selling debutdigtsamling.

Politics: In april 2015, announced Hassan, that he would run for Parliament for Nationalpartiet. The party, however not to be opstillingsberettiget, and Hassan posed as a non-attached member, but was not elected.

the Year after he was thrown out of the party, after he had been arrested for narkokørsel.

Yahya Hassan has a number of convictions for among other things, theft, receiving stolen goods, and to have shot a 17-year-old man in the foot.

Sources: the Court of Aarhus, Ritzau.