Bodybuilder, stripper, film star (gold and participate in several reality programs such as ‘fort boyard’ and ‘Paradise Hotel’ are just some of the things Stine Kronborg has on his cv.

three years ago was the 40-year-old celebrity mother-to-son, Leo Columbus, and today she has settled in Nakskov, where she lives a life very far from the red carpet.

She drifts to the daily cafe Stine & Leo in Nakskov, and the Leo, since he was born, been with every day, so the two have made the most possible time together.

Now start the Leo, however, soon to kindergarten, and it means that Stine will have time to return as a performer.

– I am a radio announcer on Radio Sydhavsøerne in the new year. It is the media, and it will be simply super cool. I am really very. The first deployment with me goes in the air 13. January, when I get home from christmas vacation, and so I come to be there an hour a day four times a week, says Stine to Ekstra Bladet.

– I have been asked in the past, it could be something for me, but I could not get it to hang together, because I had Leo at home. But then I asked if we could keep it a little and now it fits so super well, because he, of course, starts in kindergarten. It is really nice that they are so flexible in relation to what suits me – also in relation to the fact that I still have to fit the cafe next door, she continues and adds:

– I’m a type that always entertained, and I love it! So I have missed to entertain, now that I’ve been a bit away from the “stage” as a performer, I am so excited to get a little back. It is a part of me to be on and entertain people.

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Stine’s going to be alone in the studio, so at the moment she is going to get a handle on the practical things in relation to be a radio announcer. Luckily she has however, experience from the past.

– I’ve been a host at The Voice Radio, so I have tried something similar before. I loved it, so it will be great to try again, she says.

– I do get busy, but it should probably go. It feels not like work when you like what you’re doing, it sounds from the realitystjernen, and then she adds:

– I get a lot of free hits, so I will have enough to talk a little bit about my private life and my private experiences. Also because I have experienced much in the music business, among other things, when I was a choreographer for the Medina and the dances of the Infernal. At the same time, it must of course be a good balance, so it is not just me, me, me.

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