Wednesday was 20 people arrested after police raided 20 addresses in Denmark.

the Reason is the suspicion of a planned terrorist attack.

informed the police at a press conference in Copenhagen at 17.

But there were also several things that the police did not said anything about. Ekstra kriminalredaktør, Mette Fleckner, noticed several important things that were omitted at the press conference.

– It, you’ll notice, is that the police had not said where and when a possible attack would have taken place.

– nor do We know what should have happened, or in what way, it had to be done, she says.

There can be several possible scenarios for the police lack of information.

– It is very possible that the police know what and where it should have been, but for the sake of the public do not want to scare or inspire anything, explains Mette Fleckner.

She points out that a second scenario is that the police are not sure enough on the information they have, and therefore do not want to speculate on things. However, it is also a possibility that the police are more or less from scratch.

– It is also important to say that it is not safe, that the police know these things. Thus, it is previously managed to raise a criminal case, even if you do not know where the attack would take place.

In the summer, a man was sentenced to 12 years in prison for having planned a terrorist attack to take place, an unknown place in Copenhagen.

Watch the entire police news conference here. Video: Ritzau Scanpix

See also: IS-a terrorist convicted in Copenhagen: Such was the bloody attack foiled