the Danish self-proclaimed klimatosser Unity and the Alternative of rejoicing at the appointment of just ‘klimatosse’ as the word of god.

See also: this Year’s word is klimatosse

It was otherwise, Pia Kjærsgaard (DF), which introduced the word, when she, after the recent elections to the European Parliament, the so-called ‘klimatosser’ a large part of the blame for the Danish people’s party vælgernedtur.

But according to the Unity klimaordfører, Mai Villadsen, got it not the effect, as Pia Kjærsgaard had hoped for.

– It was Pia Kjærsgaard, who introduced the word to make a little fun of all of us, that puts the climate at the most, and you have to just say that she managed not very well, because we were actually almost at the top of the political agenda, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

Alternativets klimaordfører, Rasmus Nordqvist, believe that Pia Kjærsgaards use of the word klimatosser stressed ‘the big gap that was between the population’s desire for climate action and the political establishment, who had not understood what had to be’, he writes in a text message.

‘It is fortunately about to change now, among other things, klimaloven, and I and probably many others are today proud to call us klimatosser, writes Rasmus Nordqvist on.

See also: Klimatæsk for DF

A clearly happy Mai Villadsen votes in.

– I’m certainly even proud to be klimatosse and think it is wonderful that it has been year words, she says.

It comes as no surprise to ophavskvinden to the word, Pia Kjærsgaard, to klimatosse smoke in the first place.

– I think it’s hilarious, and I’m not surprised. I have said several times, that I am sure it would be the end word. And it was then, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

She believes that the word has made a difference by helping to bring a little more sense into the climate debate.

– As I said klimatosser, that I thought of all those who are trying to make life really boring and tiresome to all of us by getting us to be ashamed of everything we do.

– So think I am good enough, that you have the law and the right to say klimatosser, and I maintain one hundred percent. But it may have also led some to think about, that we also must have a little sense into the debate. That, I think, actually, we’ve got, ” she says.

– Now In the gone with the new klimalov. Are you and the Danish people’s Party has been klimatosser?

– not at All. In fact, quite the contrary. We have taken the common sense, and we are just not caught by neither anxiety, shame or fear, as I think, klimatosserne is, says Pia Kjærsgaard.

It is the Danish Language council and the P1-program Wise on the Languages, as Friday has elected the words.

Extra Magazine confronted Pia Kjærsgaard with a number of memes after she went viral with klimatosserne.