Life is unfair. Now behold such a man as the Liberal party, Kristian Jensen, who after decades of persistent effort, finally was named Ekstra Nytårstorsk last year.

And take a man as Michael Borre, basically without doing anything for it was crashing through as a candidate for the big fish after a cool oktobernat on Djursland.

Here, I can hear someone ask:

– Who is Michael Borre?

And I can help with.

Michael Borre has since January 2018 has been the director of the Aarhus light rail.

The enterprise was enough nationally as the opening of the new line was celebrated.

4000 pieces of cake and 1500 buns was ready, speeches were written, and cords ready to be cut – but then it turned out the night before the big opening celebration, to light rail were not approved to run with passengers.

the Track came first to run three months later.

But it was a digression, for Michael Borre was not director at the time.

he was at the end of October of this year, when the trains out in the evening went to stand in the vicinity of the Ryomgård on Djursland. It was a little chilly, so there was ice on the wires. It could the trains not just the handle.

Since many trains have been cancelled and replaced by rail replacement buses.

Michael Borre seemed at first surprised that it may find to be cold in Denmark, when winter is approaching.

He stated to the local paper Aarhus:

– Now it’s the first frostnat, which has come suddenly.

Then was his reaction to an entertaining show of strange excuses and escape from responsibility.

First, he gave his predecessor is to blame. As he explained in Århus Stiftstidende:

– I know not where else I should look to go. There are procured and delivered a total system that do not work under the physical terms, the Aarhus light rail is subject to.

The physical conditions is apparent, that the rails are out at night. Also in the winter.

And for the local paper in Aarhus, he said:

– This is not something that has been in the original project. You have not thought over the winter.

the Man has been president for nearly two years. One might think that he had thought over the winter …

the Whole time it has been possible to solve the problem with frost on the overhead wires by treating them with antifrostvæske in the form of glycerin. But the special vehicle, there shall apply the liquid first comes to January.

As Michael Borre explained to DR:

– unfortunately, It is the terms that we have to wait for the new stock. I waited a half a year on my new car.

Yes yes.

But it wouldn’t be a problem, if the equipment was ordered in the proper time. It was not.

last winter, there were several cancellations due to ice on the wires, and one does well not be called Jon Snow to figure out that there probably came a winter again.

Nevertheless, there was specialkøretøjet first commissioned at the end of september this year, revealed by the local paper in Aarhus.

As Michael Borre stated to the newspaper:

– You may well be bagklog.

Apparently, this is not an opportunity just to be clever.

When Michael Borre joined, he explained in Århus Stiftstidende:

– We must ensure that we continue to have a proper and stable operation and maintain a phenomenal punctuality of over 99 percent, with very few cancellations.

A very fine goal, which was hit by an ice-cold reality.

Michael Borre gets an annual salary in the neat hand of 1.3 million dollars for his efforts – or lack thereof – but he deserves more than a cod on top.

Although it makes the candidate in the morning, well enough also.

is the sixth bid on, who will be announced as the Ekstra Nytårstorsk 2019.

the game very Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille, Anders from ’Married at first sight’, kulturudvalgsformand Lene Pigeon, MF for SF Karsten Hønge and the Danish people’s party leader, Kristian Thulesen Dahl, is already in hyttefadet, and there are four more to look forward to. Ago follows a ballot in the newspaper, so you can participate in the decision of who is the biggest cod.

here at the see all of the nominees as they are presented, and the time will also be given the opportunity to vote here.

you’ll be pleased to have done your democratic duty. You can also win great prizes.

the Year nytårstorsk: Lose-Tulle

the Year nytårstorsk: Høngerøven

the Year nytårstorsk: Beer-benægteren

the Year nytårstorsk: Anders Linselus

the Year nytårstorsk: Gummimanden


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