Back in January got viewers for the first time allowed to follow with Mascha Vang, Mai Manniche, Irina Olsen, Camilla Frederikke, RAZ from RAZspa and Nadia Jun as they appeared on the screen in the Channel 4 programme ‘Beauty Bosses’.

According to Channel 4, the programme was a great success, and in the autumn were, therefore, sent one more season with the six stars.

When Channel 4’s applications rolls over the screen at the beginning of the new year, we get a reunion with the ‘Beauty Bosses’.

– We have not planned a season three of ‘Beauty Bosses’ in the spring of 2020, where we have a lot of other good on the program, among other things, a completely new program series where we follow Irina and her family. We have been really happy for the two seasons of ‘Beauty Bosses’, who have had many faithful viewers on Channel 4 and Dplay. If we are going to make a season three, we can’t say anything about yet, saith the Lena Bøgild, who is press officer at Discovery Networks.

Much may, however, suggest that we no matter what is not going to see the six celebrities left on the screen together again, not everyone wants to participate in a possible season three.

Irina will get before long, her very own program along with his family. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

– I’m not coming to film more Beauty Bosses’. I think the fact that it has been a nice program, and I think our have been professional, so all in all I have good things to say. At the same time, I have it such that when I stand in a situation where I get really upset about it, because some of the other participants are trying to destroy my brand, so I don’t want to be with more, tells Irina to the Extra Magazine and continues:

– I’m not where I say yes to anything, and I was simply too upset in the last season. In addition to that, I think, it is a good program, but I will not be in it more.

See also: Maschas great fear

Irina is not the only one who has stated that she does not wish to participate in the ‘Beauty Bosses’ in the future. Also, Mascha Vang has previously told Extra Bladet, she also did not want to be involved in the Channel 4 programme, and according to Mai Manniche there must be some changes if it is to be current for her.

– There have been legal much drama and really a lot with me as a target in both seasons, and it has not been so fun. It certainly was not because of the drama, that I said yes to be with. So I must admit that I’m a bit divided whether I would want to be with again, I think it has been really fun to film, and my followers have been really happy, ” explains Mai elaborates:

– I don’t want to be with again, if there is as much drama as last season, so the premise must be changed, if I am to be with. In addition to Nadia and I also have spoken together, if it must be currently. She had said some not so cool things about me in the last season, among other things, that I was a racist, and I could as well think me an excuse. For it was over the limit.

Mai Manniche is currently very busy with his business. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

Although Nadia Jun and Mai Manniche not agree on everything, share Nadia, however, the same attitude to the Mai in relation to its participation in a possible season three.

– It has been great fun to film, and I’m glad for the programs, but I also think there was a little too much conflicts. Especially now that I’m employed and not living by me as a person, but of my business, so I like to come in for a meeting and be taken seriously. There has been too much drama for that I want to continue in the program on the premises that has been up until now. So I would say no to a season three, if I was asked, she explains to Extra Bladet.

– however, I could well be fresh on something more, if it was different, and there was so much unnecessary, set drama. Instead, the focus should rather be on our business and how we run them, she continues and adds that she would like to take a talk with Mai, but she is not going to give her an excuse.

– I do not feel I have accused her for something that did not fit, and I have sceenshots that proves it. Therefore, I feel not to say I’m sorry. I have actually even put it all behind me, but if Mai would like to talk about it and feel we have a conflict, so I would also very much like to speak with her about it. I think not, she should go and have it bad over something I have said, she rolls fast.

See also: – It is a subject that hurts so much

Nor is Camilla Frederikke has big dreams for yet another season of ‘Beauty Bosses’, but it does not mean, however, that she is done with that low tv.

– I think there may have been a little much drama and right now I have it such that I’d rather focus on something more positive and uplifting. Fortunately, I’m mega busy with a lot of other projects, and possibly there are also more tv with me soon.

– I love making tv, but I had enough figured a little with something else of Beauty the Bosses’, because I thought it was more about beauty and our business, and it is not quite what has been in focus. I’m just not so drama, and so it was a bit of a shock some of what I saw. So the format would be slightly different, if I need help again, tell Camilla Frederikke.

As the only one of the six ‘Beauty Bosses’star is Raz, in turn, more than ready to get started with a season three.

– I hope so much that there comes a season more. I would really like to be with, as it has been a great stepping stone for me to get more attention in relation to my brand. In addition, it has been very fun, and it has some tremendous cute, I’ve been with, sounds it from him.

– the Program would be dull if there was a bit of drama. So I don’t think it would be just as popular, if that was not excitement. I’m not afraid to show me even with my human sides, and there occurs the little problems and inconsistencies in all contexts, such is life, he continues and adds that he is not so worried that the five women do not feel ready for a season three of the here and now.

Raz is in full swing with bryllupsplanlægningen, when he is to be married this summer. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

– It is easy to say that you do not want to be with, when you haven’t got the offer yet. Let us now see if said the same thing, if the Discovery Networks are calling and asking if we will be in a season three, he laughs.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a detailed comment from Mascha Vang, but it has not been possible.

See also: Irina reveals new big project