one and a Half million dollars: So much is a thai chef allegedly been cheated out of in the three years he was employed at the restaurant Thai4You in Hillerød on the so-called beløbsordning.

It takes 3F, which has raised a claim for a total compensation of one and a half million dollars on behalf of the thai chef against the employer, Tue Kalmo.

Surachai Thongphap, which is also called the Enough, had come to Denmark to work at the restaurant in Hillerød, denmark.

Officially, he received a monthly salary of 31.340 dollars to work 37 hours per week.

Thus complied with he action the terms of the so-called beløbsordning, to ensure that foreigners who are not from the EU, earning a ‘high salary’ in their job in Denmark, before they can apply for a residence and work permit on the basis of their employment.

In the real world sled Enough seven days a week for 50 crowns an hour, and got his salary paid in cash.

It can Extra Magazine now reveal, in cooperation with the Magazine 3F.

See also: Kokkefinte revealed: So easy is it to cheat

Probably came to Denmark and was employed at the Thai4You in 2015. He worked at the restaurant until 2018.

He signed in connection with his appointment, a power of attorney which gave the employer, Tue Kalmo, allowed to stand for contacts with the authorities.

the Extra Leaf is in the possession of the power of attorney.

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Enough working in the day at a restaurant in Germany. Here he has a contract of employment, receive wages and pay slips, work 40 hours a week and have free on Monday and Tuesday, he says. Photo: Malene Lauritsen/Magazine 3F
– I did not have access to my current account or my Friends. I never saw a paper from the Tax or other authorities. And I never got a real paycheck. Instead I got the little handwritten notes from my boss, which was what I should have in wages, say Enough.

According to the Vice-president of 3F Zealand, Ronny Iversen, who has been running the case for Enough, has the employer submitted payroll to 3F, which should prove Enough to have received the correct pay and have paid taxes in Denmark.

The submitted paychecks are missing a significant detail. Namely, an account number which the money should be paid to.

See also: Warns each other after the detection of the kokkefinte

the Extra Leaf is in the possession of several of the handwritten notes, which, according to the Enough amounted to his pay slips, and pay slips from Tue Kalmo, which does not contain an account number.

the handwritten notes, you can see that he is a single month got 12.600 dollars for 252 hours of work. It is equal to 50 kroner per hour.

Of the sum drew the employer into the bargain 5000 dollars to ‘rent’, as a payment for that Enough stayed in an apartment, where Tue Kalmo even had the registered address.

in Several places you can also see that there is being deducted money from the salary to cover the ‘loan’, which has received the previous month.

All payments are according to the Enough happened cash.

– My boss told me that I had to stay in a very small apartment, where I had to give 5000 dollars in rent. It was not the agreement at home, but what should I do? Now I was in Denmark.

– I had so little money that I had to borrow of my head each month so I could pay for my children’s schooling.

– I was cheated, but I could not travel home. I had to keep out of my children’s sakes, says Enough.

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– I get it bad when I think of my previous work. I can only say one thing about my old boss: He is a poor man, says Enough. Photo: Malene Lauritsen/Magazine 3F
the Extra Leaf has several bouts contacted Tue Kalmo to get a comment on the information in the case of Enough.

Tue Kalmo, however, have only wanted to give a reply to a TEXT message, where he denies to have done anything wrong in the case.

He did not wish to answer detailed questions about the recruitment of Enough.

the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration, SIRI, has not wanted to run up to the interview, but informs in an email to Ekstra Bladet, that they ‘are aware that in parts of the kokkeområdet may be a risk of circumvention of the rules, and therefore it is an area in which we have a particular focus on’.

Read their entire response here:

a Written response from the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI)

the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) can generally indicate that we perform continuous risikoopmærksom case management, control of residence permits and the control of illegal stay and work.

We evaluate always, whether the wages and terms of employment are usual for Danish conditions, before being granted a residence permit after beløbsordningen. We are aware that in parts of the kokkeområdet may be a risk of circumvention of the rules, and therefore it is an area in which we have a particular focus on.

We evaluate the applicant’s qualifications and work experience and looks at whether the restaurant here in the country’s economy and the revenue to pay the wages. We carry out a particularly thorough treatment of applications from cooks. But there may of course be cases where, depending on the paper seems to be in order, but where it later turns out that the chef comes to work under some very different circumstances. And we note that the rules being circumvented, so as to become the employer reported to the police, and the alien has had a residence permit.

We cooperate with the police, tax administration and labour inspection, and assist the police in the outbound sweeps together but the other authorities. If we see signs of trafficking in human beings, so we will contact the Centre against human Trafficking.

in Addition, we conduct ongoing monitoring on the basis of registersamkøring with the information in the eIndkomst. If lønkravet not met, becomes the residence involved, and the employer will be reported to the police.

We communicate directly with the applicant, unless he/ she has given power of attorney to be represented by the employer or a third party. Communication to our users is either via digital mail to the eboks or physical mail.

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Enough work in the day at a restaurant in Germany. Here he has a contract of employment, receive wages and pay slips, work 40 hours a week and have free on Monday and Tuesday, he says.