the Tv host Lise Rønne vimsede småneurotisk around in his usual værtindestil’.

How to described the Politiken’s critic Bo Tao Michäelis the 41-year-old host of the DR programme ‘Absolutely lyris’ in a review the other day.

Just the description got Lise Rønne to the keys, and in an op-ed in the same newspaper attacked she out for Politiken and came with a strong appeal to the, that they should stop to speak demeaning about the women.

The post created a heated debate and got, among other things Politiken kulturredaktør, Mette-Davidsen-Nielsen, and critic Bo Tao Michäelis to apologize to Lise Rønne.

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But the debate ended, however, far from that, and the post has now also got the DF-politician Pia Kjærsgaard to the keys.

In an op-ed in Politiken, she asks Lise Rønne to pull on the shoulder of the reviewer’s comment and say ‘never mind’.

‘Lise Rønne is so competent, that she did not need to take care near, what one or another meningsmager at Politiken might think. We women should not go neither #Meto-crazy or go offervejen. We can deliver, and it makes Lise Rønne. So ‘never mind’ with a cocky reviewer, who thinks too much and probably know too little’, writes Pia Kjærsgaard, among other things in the post.

on Wednesday evening met Ekstra Bladet Pia Kjærsgaard on the red carpet for ” movie premiere gala of the film ‘the Cats’ in the Dagmar Theatre in Copenhagen, and here, she put a few words on, why she has chosen to interfere in the debate.

– She (Lise Rønne, red.) can well answer for his case. But such an idiot-reviewer, let him be. What I haven’t heard and are still allowed to lay ears to. So sometimes one should just say ‘forget it’ – it falls back on the people themselves, she said, and stressed that she may well be able to understand the Lise Rønne’s response.

– I do not think she is overreacting. I think she’s got the air, and he (the notifying party, red.) needed also for it, but on the other hand: They are there, and I don’t think the teacher of it is unfortunately, she said, and continued:

I think one should be better to say ‘never mind’, for it can get off easier through life.

Pia Kjærsgaard and her husband, Henrik Thorup, on the red carpet. Photo: Anthon Unger

– What is the worst you have been called, and there is something of it that still sits in you, asked a representative from the attendees of the press.

– I do not know, what it worst, I have been called, are. There is nothing of it, sitting still. It is also why I think it is so important to let be go on, for it is the law of the people sitting in their own little world and write such a thing, said Pia Kjaersgaard ahead and explained that she believes the danes have become too sensitive.

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– I think we have become too sensitive. We are recording too many things instead of letting them pass.

And Lise Ronne so not for sensitive?

– No. She is probably not so used to it. I’m used to it, so I understand her well, and I respect her really, because I think she is very good. But I think it will come easier through life, if you pull on the shoulder and says ‘oh dear’. It is just a sour man. He could not be positive, she said, and came with a call to Lise Ronne and the other women:

– just Relax, and enjoy life.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Lise Rønne, but it has at the time of writing not been possible.

Lise Rønne have seriously put time in the debate with his speech in the newspaper Politiken. Photo: Janus Engel