Derogatory talk about muslims, combined with grisekød and koran-burning in the vulnerable housing is not to seek out trouble.

To see the Rasmus Paludan, president of the firm, in its countless demonstrations across the country, after the conservative Naser Khader accuses him of doing just this with his ‘circus’.

– I am seeking out is never trouble. It is a lie. I set me, where we believe it is appropriate to carry forward our political messages. It is, says Rasmus Paludan.

It has cost the Danish society approximately 114 million. kr. in that year alone to protect the members of the firm – with Rasmus Paludan in the head – on assault.

the Danish policy – 19. dec. 2019 – at. 11:26 the Police has spent 114 million. kr. to protect the firm

It shows a statement from the national Police, as justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S) has sent to the Parliamentary legal affairs Committee.

The conservative værdiordfører, Naser Khader, thinks that the Rasmus Paludan is allowed to screw down a little for the ghetto-the visits, because the police are pressured enough as it is.

– He must be protected, so his everyday work, but it is a lot of money to throw after his circus. He does not need to constantly seek out trouble, says Naser Khader.

To see the Rasmus Paludan not the case.

– I have not claimed the money, it is them who are going to mob me and kill me, which costs money, explains redecorate.

After the elections in the summer it has cost 14 million. kr. to protect the members of the firm. Thus was the cost of 100 million. kr. before and during the election campaign, and there may be a reason for that.

– I have not been allowed to express myself, where I would, and it could also be an explanation for a decline in spending, says Rasmus Paludan.

the Police have probably done it with the purpose to protect you?

– There have been numerous prohibitions and injunctions. Blågårdsplads I have not been allowed to be on the page 14. april, although I have tried 40-50 times, he says.

at the same time, Rasmus Paludan supposedly only been in Mjølnerparken at Nørrebro in Copenhagen once, while he – according to himself – have not been allowed to demonstrate on the Christiania, on the Bøgetorvet in Vollsmose or in Aarhus West.

– In spite of the places where you will not have been allowed, so think Naser Khader, to you a little too often is on visit to the country’s disadvantaged areas. He calls it a circus.

– Naser Khader has changed my mind on a plate, because in 2018 he believed that it was necessary for the freedom of expression, says Rasmus Paludan.

– you Could consider to turn down for your demonstrations, now when you see how much the police are allowed to use to keep you safe?

– Not by the reason. It would be treason against the freedom of speech, the constitution and our constituents.

– Have you planned more demonstrations this year?

– Not this year, but a new year threatens in January. We still need to burn a quran of in Vollsmose, so it will be a suitable place.

– So you intend to continue?

– Yes, as long as there is a need for a single police officer, there is also a need for the demonstrations, says the head of the firm.

Justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S) also believe that police resources could be spent on better things.

‘I so like that the police could have used those resources on other tasks. Not least in the light of the current situation,where the police already have a hard time of it’, writes the minister of justice to the Danish parliament’s legal affairs Committee.

However, the police have to provide security, stresses Nick Hækkerup, in order to protect the right of citizens to assemble and express themselves.

‘Therefore the entry of the police, of course, when there is a need for it’, explains the minister of justice in writing.