‘dancing with the stars’-the participant Steen Lund shortly before the end of 2019 have been hit by a great sadness.

On Facebook reveals the professional dancer that he lost his father, who died the 13. december. He was 87 years old.

‘Our dear father, father-in-law and grandfather, Henning Valentin Lund, slept quietly away. You will always be in our hearts’, says the dødsannoncen, as Steen Lund has shared with the text ‘in the deep, deep sadness’.

See also: Danish kendispar affected by the great sadness

Ekstra Bladet has been in touch with Steen Lund, who, of course, is badly affected by the death.

Therefore he wants also not to say very much about the situation or tell what the danger died of.

– I have it bad. But otherwise, I will not say more, It is too private, does it sound friendly from Steen Lund.

Steen Lund has several times appeared in ‘dancing with the stars’, which in 2006 he won with Christina Roslyng.

See also: TV2-celebrity reveals the great sadness