a new year, where all the athletes get one of his few chances to win the olympic glory, saith that on the new requirements from the feminists about gender equality in the world’s biggest sporting event.

In cyklingens the world put the Danish climber Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig gender on the agenda last year, when she in a blog post, regretted that the women at the WORLD cup in Inssbruck was saved for the steep, final ascent on the men’s route.

She got solid support from some of the sport’s biggest names, and this year with a view to the OLYMPICS in Tokyo is trying the ex-professional Kathryn Bertine, who now calls himself ‘ambassador for equality in cycling’, to extend the debate with an attack on the international cykleunion, the UCI.

the men of the 130 seats in the OL-landevejsløbet, while the women’s field of 67 riders. ‘Inequality cuts in the eyes. Old-fashioned. Sexist. Wrong’, writes Bertine in a post on the bicycling.com.

She amplifies his point by stating that this discrimination has been going on for 36 years, ago kvindecykling was introduced at the olympic games in 1984 in Los Angeles.

Annemiek van Vleuten is the double world champion in the time trial. By prevailed she in the discipline in Innsbruck in 2018. Photo: AP Photo/Kerstin Joensson/Ritzau Scanpix

Yes, there is a difference between men and women. And yes, it makes sense to align the size of the frame and the route after it. Anything else would be absurd. I know that I’m sticking your hand in a wasp’s nest, but someone must draw a line in the sand and let the reason speak:

have just as many OLYMPICS tickets as the men, so that each sex would get 100 seats, there would have to be issued a proper ass badebilletter to the women. Close to half of all female professional cyclists would then have to be taken to the OLYMPICS.

It would ensure a streak athletes the easiest access ever to the world’s grandest idrætsstævne. Is it equality? No, it is discrimination against the best qualified for the benefit of the athletes of the ‘real’ sex.

by Far the most professional female cyclists are running at a level equivalent to the men’s kontinentalniveau, the riders is in fact semi-professional.

Annemiek van Vleuten is only one of a litter of Dutch riders, which in these years is the sovereign of the professional kvindecykling. Here celebrating her WORLD championship gold in the time trial in Bergen in 2017. Photo: NTB Scanpix/Cornelius Poppe via REUTERS / Ritzau Scanpix

very large field of qualified men for the benefit of a female field, which in large part would consist of riders who do not have OLYMPIC level, would not provide the sport justice.

Bertine complain about, that the men’s race is longer than the women’s – 234 kilometers to the 137 – and that it is for the wrong, that only men are allowed to climb mount Fuji.

Here you have to just find that Bertine is completely lost in its simplistic equivalence of men and women. If one were to watch 100 women to race over a distance of 234 kilometres, it would be yawning boring.

in the female field, it would be a survival struggle just to finish the race within half an hour after the winner – which would probably be a dutchman – and their efforts would be of little sporting interest. At the OLYMPICS get as we are aware, no premium, just to implement.

When the women have been running hard mountain stages – as for example in the Giro d’italia this year – will be niveauforskellene in the female field graphic. On a single mountain on a stage at 89 kilometers won by Annemiek van Vleuten by nearly three minutes.

Michael Rasmussen is Ekstra fixed cykelsportskommentator – here photographed during the Tour de France in 2017. Photo: Claus Bonnerup / Ritzau Scanpix

She smashed everything and everyone, and it does not require great imagination to imagine what would happen if there was a stage on 234 kilometres of mount Fuji and the Mikuni pass on the program.

the Dutch would be well entertained by such a spectacle. That would certainly not do kvindecykling something good to make it gudsjammerligt boring to look at.

Shorter the run, with challenges that are adapted to the physics, however, can also create exciting cycling events, and it is, ultimately, that develops the sport by attracting spectators and sponsors.

Kvindecykling is in rapid development, and it is excellent. There is talk about equal pay and equal opportunities, and it is fine. But to demand full equality is a foolish thought.

There is no, which requires that the hedges in the women’s hurdles should be just as high as men’s. It would just make the women’s race into a farce.

The same applies in the sport.

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