Cristiano Ronaldo delivered in the first half of Wednesday night’s showdown between Sampdoria and Juventus with a header, if the mage is rarely seen. According to among the other English In the news reached Cristiano 2.5 meters up in the air and had pandebrasken higher than overliggerens top 2,43 meters from the ground, when he was at his highest. Additionally spent after some calculations 1.5 seconds in the air.

See also: Ronaldo’s incredible magic: – He hung in the air an hour and a half

Idrætsforsker and physical trainer specializing in among other things, the height and long jump Thomas Cortebeeck call Ronaldo and his ability to facilitate from the earth ‘unusual for a footballer.’

– It is pretty incredible for a footballer to be able to deliver the skip. For a thing is to be able to jump high in high jump, but another thing is to be able to jump high on a football field, where you already have the course, mile by mile, and have been in duels and at the same time must be able to provide and the time such a leap, when it really counts, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– This is what is really impressive with Cristiano Ronaldo. He must be able to be efficient, fast, sustainable, low change of direction and then suddenly be able to jump like that.

Ronaldo was up on a proper flight against Sampdoria. Photo: Marco Bertorello/Ritzau Scanpix
at the same time stresses the Cortebeeck, however, that Ronaldo would not be able to be with in a real højdespringskonkurrence.

– He would not be able to jump two metres in the high jump, if you put him in a competition. He would perhaps have the potential to be a really good jumper, for he is known to be one in all ways extremely thorough and hard-working athlete.

– But if he was a good high flier, he would not be a good football player, for it would in addition to technique require even more explosiveness. And you can’t have it all, if it jumps high, it goes beyond patience, and, conversely, assesses the Cortebeeck, who also believes that his svævetid becomes somewhat artificially extended by the fact that he is in contact with the shoulder of the defender.

the Key to the impressive leap in addition to Ronaldo’s physical splendor is also available in the art.

– Significantly is that Ronaldo puts on a leg, and it does, that he puts of a lot faster. Most footballers would probably put on two legs. Etbensafsættet is important if you want so high up, because you will get bothered far more force with the speed that comes of the jumps without stopping, as in a tofodsafsæt.

in Addition to it is advisable to jump on one leg, if you have the ambition to jump high, you must also think about which leg you jump on. If you are højrebenet, will be the strongest to jump in the left leg, and that is exactly what Ronaldo does.

– You are the strongest on the left leg if you are right leg. It is also the legs, which are exposed to the load. It’s a little bit about what movements which develop the most force in the muscles. For example, when he kicks, he must slow down his movements with his left leg, and the brake provides a incredibly big load, which strengthens the muscles. A greater load than the one you get to kick, tells Cortebeeck.

skip however!
Cortebeeck is for daily with to train different athletes in optimizing their spring. And there are a lot of biomechanics and a lot of theory in it, combined with the advanced training programmes of the right muskelprogrammer. But if you want to be able to jump like Ronaldo, it is first and foremost the right right to what you really need to go in time with.

– In our work, we use the sportsvidenskabelige branch, which is called biomechanics. Combination of the laws of physics and our human biology, as thrown into the models, so you try to be able to optimize out from it. Concretely, we use Newton’s laws.

– It is about optimizing one’s ability to be extremely explosive with the body weight you have. And if you want to start somewhere with to optimize it, so it’s basically not rocket science. Then you have to skip a whole lot, tells Cortebeeck.

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