Frozen fish has been the focal point in a supposed momskarrusel, which the Danish treasury has been cheated at least with 26.5 million Danish kroner.

The Extra Leaf now detect, on the basis of a number of aktindsigter and confidential documentation from the former Tax, which the newspaper has come in possession of.

the Tax authorities considers that the company has participated in a momskarrusel, which involves a number of other Danish companies, who have only traded with each other.

According to Ekstra information will Skattestyrelsens straffesagsenhed now transfer the matter to the police.

the Fraud having been in the trades between the company’s mysterious Danish sub-contractors, who all have gone bankrupt and have had eastern european directors.

the Article continues under the picture …

A circular letter for the company Wiio ApS. Here it appears that there is a presumption that the company has participated in a momskarrusel. Now it is no longer a presumption. According to Ekstra information are tax authorities now so ensure that the case is overddraget to the police. In cirkulæreskrivelsen it appears, wrongly, that the director should be resident in Lithuania, but he is living in Estonia, and it is an error that has figured in the CVR register.

And by all indications, that the alleged fraudsters have evaded the Danish treasury of millions of dollars. That is how it sounds from momsdirektøren in Baker Tilly, Søren Engers Pedersen, who is one of the country’s leading vat experts.

– Unfortunately, the fact that the Tax probably never see a penny of the money. They are over all mountains. There are some who have had snablen down in the treasury and has done a good business on the vat, he says to Ekstra Bladet.


When the scammers have to make a momskarrusel, they must use multiple corporations must act with each other. The companies have stråmandsdirektører, so when the companies go bankrupt, so it is harder for authorities to find out who are the backers.

In the carousel fraud is often food or electronics, that are being used to cheat.

It may start with a company, there is a part of momskarrusellen, import any chicken meat from a company in an EU country.

Because the meat comes from an establishment in the EU, not vat is due.

and Then selling the Danish company meat on to a Danish company in the carousel with the vat.

But instead to settle and pay the vat to the authorities, sticking to the company the money in your pocket. How can it continue in several stages.

So the companies may even get a deduction because they have purchased kyllingekødet with vat, but the vat has never been paid. On the way sucks the fraudsters money out of the treasury.

So it becomes the same chicken meat eventually sold on to another foreign company, which sells it on to the Danish company, which may continue to the roundabout.

Preliminary believes the irs to have a claim on 26.5 million. crowns, but it only applies to the company Wiio ApS.

the Amount can therefore been much higher, think momseksperten.

the Extra Leaf has repeatedly tried to get contact to Wiio ApS Estonian director, Madis Lember. He has not returned.

The supposed momskarrusel is being done by, to Wiio ApS has purchased fish from a number of subcontractors.

the Contractors have bought the fish from another part of the companies. Common to all the sub-suppliers are, among other things, that they have gone bankrupt, that they had not had websites or phone numbers, and that they have had the eastern european directors. In addition, several of them had foreign bank accounts. For example, one of the companies registered in Fredericia, but had a Latvian director, and a swiss bank account.

the Companies in the bottom part of the chain has imported fish from foreign companies. The companies then resold the fish with the vat, but instead of paying vat to the authorities, they have stuffed the money in his pocket.

At last the fish have been sold to Wiio ApS, there have been so-called købsmomsfradrag to have purchased the fish with the vat. The problem is just that the vat has never been paid further down the chain.

According to the momsekspert Søren Engers Pedersen, they are trying in this way to spread the trades out over as many companies as possible in order to blur the trail for the authorities.

– I think it is the same fish, we have sent around again and again, he says.

the Extra Leaf is come into possession of a letter from april 2018, when the then Tax refuses Wiio ApS deduction for the vat, as they have been. Here writing the authority, among other things:

‘All the transactions in 2015, 2016 and 2017 have been a closed chain of suppliers and customers. Transaktionssporet is the same through all the trades – there is one supplier and one customer for the on consignments, and varepartierne are always being bought and resold in the same amount.’


‘Summary of the trades it can be stated that there is drawn a picture of that the companies are trying to blur the trail of a fraud,’ writes the Tax in the letter.

In the letter from the 2018 puts the tax authorities of importance to the Wiio ApS can be held liable for the companies further down in the chain has not charged vat.

the Tax has taken the decision that the company is owed 26.5 million. crowns. But the money is over all the mountains, assesses one of the country’s leading vat experts.

From a circular letter from may 2019, it appears that Tax on the basis of the letter has subsequently taken the decision that the company must pay 26.5 million. crowns.

– You’ve built a chain-up, where you are sure, that shirk Tax in the first many trades, says Søren Engers Pedersen, momsdirektør in Baker Tilly, to Ekstra Bladet.

– This are professional fraudsters that are talking about here.