– sometimes you’ll hear someone firing a firecracker of. I sat in the living room with my children, and it was only later that I saw what had happened.

so says the comedian Brian Mørk, who had a, to put it mildly tiresome experience on Friday night. Here was his mailbox at the land register in Kalundborg blown up with firecrackers. In the mailbox lay among the other two ordered the christmas gifts he had bought for his children.

– All the content was spread out, and it is completely blasted into pieces. There were some advertisements in, and those I live happy without, but there were also two gifts for my children, and letters from the public, which I do not know what was in the, sugar 46-year-old Dark and adds:

I just moved in the new house, and it was a very solid mailbox that was dug down in the ground. At the same time fit the keys along with the house, it is not just how to switch out.

See also: Chaos at the scene: the Blood flowed

The worst is not that his mailbox is in ruins. It’s more that his children of 10 and 12 years are affected by it.

– The worst of all is that my kids have been a little uncomfortable with it. They have seen what a firecracker can do and have been afraid. To firecrackers being fired you can hear it frequently here.

In the morning, on Monday, Brian Dark now unexpectedly gavejagt in the middle of the christmas rush.

– It is not what I had bought, as it was ordered from the UNITED states, but I must find out something, he says.

are you going to report it to the police?

– I don’t quite know what to do in such a situation. Maybe it is too small. I think that I must eat warm beer yourself and pay a new mailbox. It is a shame, he says.

See also: Disappointed Fuhlendorff: – They have forgotten us.

He calls on the perpetrators to think twice before they do something like that again.

– My call to those who run around with firecrackers is that they need to think about what they destroy, and who they are destroying it for. I can sweep it to the side, but there are other people who don’t can just go out and buy a new mailbox and gifts. You fucker, it is up for many more than you imagine.