the Liberal party’s former vice-president Kristian Jensen does not participate even in the party’s group meeting on Tuesday.

Here it is otherwise to be expected, that the Left-chairman Jakob Ellemann-Jensen for the first time speaking out about the degradation of the former minister.

Kristian Jensen is the host for a hearing, which takes place in the Paliament at Christiansborg. The consultation lasts from at 9-11.

the Liberal party’s group meeting was originally set to begin at 11 o’clock, but it is ultimately moved to the o’clock, 9.15, and Kristian Jensen can therefore not come.

the Danish policy – 13. jan. 2020 – pm. 06:18 The wild wild Left: the New L-gang real

the Left indicates that the plenary assembly is moved, because the management must, at the strategy seminar on Tuesday morning.

Kristian Jensen has neither the rapporteur – or udvalgsposter in the Left, after an interview with Jyllands-Posten. Here, he invites to a reformsamarbejde across the middle of Danish politics.

It was in the weekend Left to sign out, to Jakob Ellemann – Jensen stripped Kristian Jensen for his post as arktisordfører, as well as all his udvalgsposter.

Jensen fired on gray paper

press Release

Saturday 11. January 2020

the Liberal party chairman Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, has today decided to deprive Kristian Jensen ordførerskab and udvalgsposter.

Kristian Jensen will thus in future not be folketingsgruppens arktisordfører or a member of The Arctic Delegation, the Finance committee, Færøudvalget, the greenland committee, or the committee on foreign affairs.

the Decision is backed up by a agree gruppebestyrelse.

the Danish policy – 12. jan. 2020 – pm. 14:28 How he was slaughtered

Kristian Jensen was from 2009 to 2019, the vice-president of the Left. An internal showdown after last year’s election with the then Left-president Lars Løkke Rasmussen, led to the fact that both passed of as, respectively, president and vice-president.

In his interview with Jyllands-Posten, says Kristian Jensen, that the Left should draw up a comprehensive economic reform package with the government, The Radicals and The Conservatives.

The proposal he had not consecrated the Left-top in. And it is the reason for the degradation. It has political rapporteur Sophie Løhde (V) determined.

– There are some rules that must be followed, and it is patently not, and it has had some consequences, she said Sunday.

the Danish policy – 12. jan. 2020 – pm. 13:27 Ellemann in a panic: He kicks down

the Jensens to fall through the Liberal party ranks

Kristian Jensen (V) has a great past in the Left, and until the end of august, he was the party’s vice-president.

Only five months later he looks like a complete man in Danish politics, after president Jacob Ellemann-Jensen has stripped him of both ordførerskab and udvalgsposter.

It happens because the former vice-president, in an interview with Jyllands-Posten has shared his thoughts on a reformsamarbejde with the Social democrats, the Conservative and The Radical, without first reversing it with the president.

Kristian Jensen’s fall from the top started with an interview in Berlingske. Get the entire overview here:

* 8. august: Berlingske brings an interview with Kristian Jensen, who at that time was vice-president.

Here he says, among other things, that the Left should drop the idea of creating A government that former president Lars Løkke Rasmussen launched during the election campaign.

* 9. august: Left-nestor Claus Hjort Frederiksen said under the Liberal party sommergruppemøde that Kristian Jensen should resign as vice-president.

Kristian Jensen apologizes the interview at a press conference in connection with the sommergruppemødet and makes it clear that it is the Liberal party president, who put the political line.

* 20. august: It is clear that there is infighting in the Left, and it becomes too much for parts of the hinterland.

Four members of the Left facing forward in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, and requires the Loop aside as chairman and Kristian Jensen is set aside as vice-president.

* 27. august: Left in the central denmark Region, the members of the folketing Preben Bang Henriksen and Carsten Kissmeyer, as well as individual mayors calls on the public Loop and Kristian Jensen to withdraw.

* 31. august: Loop and Kristian Jensen withdraws from their posts after a meeting of the Party’s central executive committee at the Hotel Comwell in Brejning.

Kristian Jensen makes up for an impromptu press conference, while Lars Løkke leaving hovedbestyrelsesmødet without meeting the press.

* 21. september: Jakob Ellemann-Jensen be elected by an extraordinary movement in the Left as the new president. Inger Støjberg is selected as the new vice-president.

* 26. september: the Liberal party folketingsgruppe elects, and Lars Lokke Rasmussen have its seat in the Foreign policy Board, while Kristian Jensen as your wish does not get granted any rapporteurships. Later, however, he is assigned the role of arktisordfører.

* 11. January: There is silence from Kristian Jensen, until he in an interview with Jyllands-Posten opens its thoughts to cooperation on economic reforms across the political centre. The interview will be placed on the web on Saturday night and in the newspaper Sunday.

He has not turned the mind with the Liberal party group leadership before he gives the interview to the newspaper. It gets the president Jakob Ellemann-Jensen to deprive Kristian Jensen all the records. He will be backed by a united group leadership.

Sources: Left, Jyllands-Posten, the news agency Ritzau.

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