the European soldiers who are deployed in the Middle east, can potentially be at risk.

It says Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, on Wednesday, during a televised ministerial meeting. It writes the news agency AP.

Rouhanis’s announcement comes after France, Britain and Germany announced that they are concerned that Iran does not comply with the atomaftalen.

The three powerful EU nations triggers a special process of the agreement from 2015. It paves potentially the way for UN sanctions against Iran.

the UNITED states withdrew from atomaftalen in may 2018, which has led to great tension between the UNITED states and Iran. Wednesday’s statement from Rouhani is the first time that the iranian president is also threatening the european countries, writes AP.

– today the american soldiers in danger, tomorrow it could be the european soldiers who are in danger, says Rouhani on Wednesday.

He elaborates no further, how the message should be understood.

Atomaftalen from 2015, meant that Iran should dismantle its nuclear programme. In return for comprehensive sanctions against the country be lifted.

Iran has, however, shown more and more evidence that the country does not comply with the agreement.

Recently announced iranians 5. January, that the country no longer respect the atomaftalens limitations on the extent to which it can enrich uranium.

Therefore, expressed by France, Britain and Germany on Tuesday concern.

– We do it here in good faith with the objective of maintaining atomaftalen and with a sincere hope to find a way forward to solve it here deadlock with constructive and diplomatic dialogue, it sounded from the three countries.

the Relationship between the UNITED states and Iran is tapered dramatically, after the americans 3. January killed the powerful iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani.

Iran retaliated by firing several missiles at two airbases in Iraq.

Including the Al-Asad airbase in western Iraq. Here there was among other things, posted 133 Danish soldiers.

About 100 of them have since been flown to Kuwait for security reasons. The remaining approximately 30 soldiers will be back at Al-Asad airbase, which among other things, they have the task to guard.