More than 400,000 jobs in Germany could disappear over the next ten years, when the automotive industry must transform itself to build more electric cars. It shows a report sanctioned by the German government, which underscores the challenges Europe’s largest economy is facing.

It writes the Financial Times.

In the worst case can transformation according to the media result in up to 1 percent of the total German workforce of over 40 million will lose their jobs if the automakers like Volkswagen and Daimler are being forced to import components in order to achieve the objectives for the sale of electric cars.

the Majority of automotive batteries, which is one of the most important and most expensive elements of an electric car being produced in Asia, and it is helping to create fewer jobs in Germany.

in Addition, electric cars typically have fewer components than cars with internal combustion engines, and it will contribute to the production of the cars will be more automated and require fewer hands.

According to the survey, which is compiled by a focus group of the National Platform on Future Mobility (NPM), it is crucial for the German automobile industry, to the entire value chain of an automotive assembly to be maintained in Germany, if it is to succeed in preserving jobs and industrial value creation in Germany.

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last year, announced the German car makers and suppliers more than forthcoming about 50,000 layoffs in the industry due to the transition to battery powered cars.

Right now employing Germany’s automotive industry, more than 800,000 employees, while the sector creates a further three million jobs at subcontractors and the like.

If the German car manufacturers to avoid milliardbøder from Brussels, they must in the course of the next two years to build hundreds of thousands of emissionsfrie vehicles.

The German government wants that the country’s automakers should produce up to ten million battery-powered cars before the end of the decade. As it looks right now, is pure electric cars only for barely two percent of all newly registered cars in Germany.

the Association VDA, which represents Germany’s car manufacturers have criticised NPM study to refer to an ‘extreme scenario’. The VDA expects that approximately 88.000 jobs will disappear due to the transition to electric cars during the same period.

One of the German bilgiganter, which is betting hard on electric cars, the Volkswagen. VW has recently announced that they expect to have reached usd 1.5 million produced electric cars in 2025, and that the Volkswagen Group total is investing 33 billion euros, equivalent to about 246 billion dollars in these efforts in 2024.

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