Good news to all who love vikings!

Denmark is a little closer to getting a new adventure of vikings, for the A. P. Møller and Wife Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation has donated 15 million to convey the story of Harald bluetooth’s ringborg at the Hospital.

In 2014, archaeologists found a forgotten vikingeborg Køge. Castle wrote thus, as the fifth Danish ringborg and added a new and vital chapter to the history of Harald Bluetooth.

Between 2016 and 2018 was carried out the excavations at borgringen and its catchment. The studies have led to a number of new discoveries about the architecture, function, dating, historical context, the castle’s surroundings, conditions of carriage and simultaneous settlements locally and regionally.

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– With Borgring science center we will create a permanent dissemination of the protected ringborg, based on the results of the studies. An adventure perspektiverer the castle and is responsible for the overall tale of ringborgene, viking architecture, settlement and landscape. Such a museum does not exist in Denmark today, says Keld Møller Hansen, director of the Museum Sydøstdanmark.

Oplevelsescentrets total anlægsøkonomi is budgeted for 60 million dollars, and it is expected that approximately 60,000 visitors a year will visit the experience center. Museum Sydøstdanmark plan to be able to open the doors for the first guests in 2023.

Although the funding is not fully in place, so think Museum Sydøstdanmark that the donation is a large step on the way that the project is realistic.

– We expect that the rest of the financing coming in place by means of other donations. The hope is pale green, and it is always the first means, which is the hardest part, when you seek support, says Keld Møller Hansen for the Extra Magazine.

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Ringborgens symmetrical shape is today illustrated with high cortenpæle, which marks the supposed planned cross-section. To bring this placement in accordance with the latest knowledge, and to provide a stronger experience of the monument, replaced the physical staging with a new selection.

The with be placed in the context of the current car park and must accommodate the four functions integrated in the same building: the Exhibitions, the archaeological field station, events venue and service center.

in connection with the realisation be printed a competition, once the project is fully funded.