Scotland may become the first european country that bans børnefodboldspillere to head the ball during training.

According to BBC Scotland’s Football association (SFA) ready to introduce the ban within a few days, after studies have demonstrated a correlation between headers and brain damage.

IN the UNITED states have a similar ban has been in place since 2015.

A scottish study, which was published in October, concluded that former football players have a three and a half times greater risk of being affected by dementia.

There is, however, not yet found any conclusive evidence that the elevated demensrisiko due to many headers in the fodboldkarrieren. But the scots are not going to wait that researchers find a correlation.

– We need to take some sensible, pragmatic steps right now, and it’s about trying to reduce the total load, the total number of times a young player header, says the doctor John MacLean, who is associated with fodboldforbundet.

the Federation’s director, Gordon Smith, states that the ban should not be mean to players in the future do not learn to head the ball.

instead, he proposes to use plastikbolde, when the children have to practice hovedstødsteknik during the training.

In Denmark, the Dansk Boldspil-Union earlier removed the header from the program in ungdomstræneruddannelsen. The union shall not prohibit the headers for the kids, but recommend that you let be.

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