He has been called ‘England’s ralph waldo emerson’, and on Saturday receive the british højrefløjsaktivist Tommy Robinson Trykkefrihedsselskabets price Sappho-the price.

An event, as the Danish political left wing does not intend to let go unseen past.

Project dot org, Socialist Ungdomsfront and Fællesinitiativet against Racism and Discrimination is behind a demonstration against the controversial activist, which will take place at 13 in Rigsdagsgården at Christiansborg palace.

‘Trykkefrihedsselskabet must meet resistance when they try to dignify a voldsdømt racist!’, write the organizers on the event on Facebook, at the time of writing count 193 participants.

the Organizers promise to ‘stand with banners and shout and drown out Tommy Robinson and Trykkefrihedsselskabet, when they arrive,’ they write.

Tommy Robinson arrives for his trial in July 2019, where he was sentenced to nine månders prison. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

The 37-year-old Tommy Robinson is among other things known to be one of the founders behind the English Defense League (EDL), as well as a member of the British National Party and the uk Pegida.

He has received several prison sentences for among other things violence. Most recently, he was in July 2019 sentenced to nine months in prison for acting against the court’s instructions. He received, however, political asylum in the UNITED states, before the judgment was executed.

the 112 – 7. jun. 2019 – at. 21:43 Here beats the ‘England City’ football fan in the ground

the 112 – 3. may. 2019 – at. 11:59 ‘England City’ assaulted with milkshake

According to the Trykkefrihedsselskabets president of the Aia Fog to the recipient of the Sappho award have ‘shown bravery and relentlessness in the fight for free speech’.

– And it has Tommy Robinson. He has the extra degree, because he has been subjected to deformation, personal persecution, imprisonment, and everything possible in an attempt to silence him. Yet he stands firm and not succumbed, and it seems we must be honoured, says the president of the Trykkefrihedsselskabet Aia Fog.

Facts about the Robinson

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, but known under the pseudonym Tommy Robinson.


the Leader of the English Defence League and the Pegida UK.

Onlineaktivist and selverklæret ‘borgerjournalist’, where he confronts the islamists and the media, he believes are not doing their work properly.

the Prize is awarded annually and previous recipients of the count counsel Karoly Németh and the cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, however, according to the Aia Fog, it is not unusual that the award goes to someone who’s not Danish.

– the Price is before gone to someone who’s not Danish. In 2016, it was sir Roger In, and it has also been americans, germans, russians and canadians. So there is not a requirement that it must be a dane. It just needs to be one who fights for free speech, she says.

At Copenhagen Police it is expected that the demonstration against the ceremony is going to proceed without uproar.

– We have received a notification that there must be a demonstration, and it follows, of course, we.

– We have an expectation that it’s going to be quiet and peaceful, says the central vagtleder by the Copenhagen Police.

the Police can not disclose more about how they will be present for the demonstration.

The award ceremony takes place in the Paliament at Christiansborg palace, where the members of the folketing Marie Krarup and Pernille Bendixen from the Danish people’s Party are among the participants.

Tommy Robinson will even talk for over an hour to the event, which is open to the public.