The first Danish patient to be examined with suspicion on infection with a coronavirus.

It confirms Aarhus university Hospital to Ekstra Bladet.

There is talk about a male patient who has come home from the Hubei province in China, informs Health and Ældreministeriet.

the national board of Health writes in a press release Tuesday evening that the suspected infection with coronavirus is maintained after the study at the hospital.

‘the Patient will therefore remain in the højisolation, until the new coronavirus is rebutted on the test at the Statens Serum Institut. If the test is positive, the patient will of course remain in the højisolation, where the patient will receive treatment for his illness,’ says the press release.

It is expected according to the Danish Health and medicines authority, to prøvesvaret is ready in the morning.

Aarhus university Hospital is one of two Danish hospitals, which receive the possible infected people with coronavirus. The second is the Hvidovre Hospital. the

the Patient is admitted to a special isolationsstue with undertryksventilation at the division of Infectious diseases at Aarhus university Hospital.

The other patients, visitors and employees at the hospital are not exposed to the infection, writes the Danish Health and medicines authority.

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Photo: Ernst van Norde/Ritzau Scanpix

106 people in the time of writing, died of coronavirussen, and more than 4000 infected with the disease, which broke out in the chinese city of Wuhan and in little more than a month has spread from China to the 13 other countries in the world.

According to the WHO, it is too early to rate corona-the outbreak as an international health crisis.

on Tuesday updated the Board its assessment of the risk of the virus.

– It is still our assessment that the risk that we get a patient with corona virus in Denmark, is small, said the director of the national board of Health Søren Brostrøm in the context to the Extra Blade.

even Though the Danish Health and medicines authority assesses the risk to be low, they have issued guidelines and advice on how to respond to the disease in the hospitals.