The former footballer John Arne Riise has participated in a Norwegian program, where he reveals his own consumption.

the Program ‘In lomma on Silje’ special forces arrive in Norway today. Here take the Norwegian forbrugsøkonom Silje Sandmæl the magnifier forward and looking deep down in the Norwegian kendissers bank statements and then lecture them on how they should manage their economy.

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It writes the VG, which has the interview Silje Sandmæl in connection with the sæsonpremieren on the program, where the first participant is former footballer John Arne Riise.

Many will be shocked by his high spending. But one should keep in mind that John Arne grew up in fodboldmiljøet, where the kind of summer almost being counted, such as milk and bread, says forbrugsøkonomen to the Norwegian media.

The former footballer John Arne Riise is participating in the Norwegian programme ‘In lomma, the Ship’. Photo: Audun Braastad/NTB/Ritzau Scanpix

In the evening’s program, which will be shown on Norwegian TV3 and Viaplay, comes, among other things, above, that the 39-year-old John Arne Riise, who has played for Liverpool and Roma in addition to the Norwegian national team, do not put money aside for savings. Why would his bank in the first instance not to lend him money, since he and his wife, 30-year-old Louise Angelica Riise, have to borrow the money for a new house in Tønsberg.

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Silje Sandmæl rains in the course of the program out to John Arne Riise this past year on average have spent 25.000 Norwegian kroner – equivalent to 18.500 Danish – on gifts for his wife. As the pair, for example, in august of 2019 had a child, he bought a ‘fødetaske’ for her for a value of over 11,000 Danish kroner.

the Expert’s review also shows that John Arne Riise on a year-have eaten at the restaurant no less than 360 times – often together with his wife. And that’s without even counting restaurants in connection with the forretningrejser. The total cost of the many restaurants run according to Silje Sandmæl up of 160,000 Norwegian kroner. It is similar to 118.912 Danish kroner.

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In the course of the same year, the couple has together used 371.000 Danish kroner on clothes and shoes – that is about 30,000 dollars per month.

When the numbers are put together, can John Arne Riise good to see that it looks very much. Photo: Audun Braastad/NTB/Ritzau Scanpix

on Top of that must be added the other luksusindkøb, furniture, privatrejser – and therefore, money, as John Arne Riise has spent on gifts as fødetasker to his wife.

See also: Liverpool star’s paycheck on the web

– I’m aware of what I use. The problem is småbeløbene, which easily becomes large. I have not full control over. I should, rather, help to buy and save, instead, says the former footballer to VG.

– But, to be honest, I spend most money on other than myself. I have not really want to change, continues John Arne Riise, which, however, can see a bit of seriousness in it, when Silje Sandmæl swing calculator for the nose of him.

– When the sums are added together, the look of very much. I thought totalsummerne would be lower, but I must say that it was good to get it down on paper, says John Arne Riise.

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In the programme it came to light that the former footballer currently only meet one of the bank’s three requirements for getting a loan: A sufficiently high income. In exchange, he both smite for its low equity capital and not to pay its bills on time.

See also: Riise: I am deeply indebted

And, precisely because of his high income, his financial situation not quite so bad as it might sound, says the expert to the VG:

– It, which is bad, is when teenage girls go with bags to 11,000 pounds without having earned the money themselves. No, I would never have bought the thing, as John Arne buy. But he has fine afford it.

John Arne Riise has previously cleared the front pages the world over. Among other things, when he attacked his teammate with a golf club.