
– I am the mother of a boy of 20 years. He has 6 diagnoses, where 3 is very prominent – it is atypical autism, ADD, and personality disorder.

– in Addition, he is behind in his development, as well as his short term memory is affected. His reality-image is very very remote.

And he forgets everything that does not have an interest for him.

– He can f.the ex make her own telephone, but not tying his laces. Or even know what day of the week it is…..

so begins Sara’s, a desperate letter to the nation! about the situation her son is ended up in and the help or lack of same, the municipality provides.

sara’s son Jacob has until d. 31.december lived in residential care in Grenaa, but the place closed down d. 31 december, and now Randers Municipality put him in an apartment. And this he can not handle, write the mother – and in the answer the municipality comes with the below, it also appears that the effort may be better. Sara’s letter continues namely as follows:

the Municipality has chosen to give him 12 støttetimer per week, and it might also be fine enough, if the time spent face-to-face.

– But no – the hours spent on telephone conversations where someone calls to him to wake him up and hear how his day goes.

– His income is 6200 before tax, dkk 4000, distributed on the 2 x 2000 kr on the mdr. I was really stunned.

– How they will have him in the own residence with this income he would have 800 kr for themselves for food, hygiene, transport, etc.

– They say that it gets the general SU-the students also, but they forget just that this boy here don’t have the opportunity to find a part-time or take a sulån.

– I contacts, therefore, a case officer ang to send him at the job centre and get him the way through, but my messages are being ignored.

I and my brother is why we need now to help my son, even though there should be a municipal task.

– But I’m not done with that fight my son’s case. He also has a need for a dignified life.

– I will be sad in heart that we can treat our weakest members of society such, writes his mother, which has prompted the nation! for help, to shout the municipality up – and it actually looks that it worked. Certainly there must be held a meeting on Wednesday, and the municipality – which can’t comment on the concrete case – thus corresponds to the questions the nation! has asked:

What can a mother and a son in such a situation do, that the son will get more help than the 12 hours of housing assistance that is granted?
– In the Municipality of Randers we have a continuous close dialogue with our citizens about their support needs, when you move from a quote and out in their own homes.

– Therefore, a request handler (f.ex low follow-up meetings in their own homes for a shorter period of time (up to 3 months), and you can as a citizen, also always contact the case officer, if one has a experience of support should be different. We will encourage you to do.

What will you say to a citizen to have a experiencing that ’bostøtten’ uses a part of the 12 hours on the phone?
– We can well understand that it may seem very stand-offish, but it can actually be a part of a total support, to being called up.

– It is shown in our quality standards, that support can be organised in many different ways between the performs and a citizen.

Support can be a combination of both physical attendance, contact by phone and/or skype.

– Metodevalget is something that happens in a dialogue between the performing and the citizen of the relation to citizens ‘ needs and objectives in the individual citizen’s level. Follow-up on agreements and, for example, wake-up calls can pass away by telephone.

– We are on an equal footing with all other municipalities subject to a down’s system of benefits. We have no statutory authority to give a citizen a different performance than the law requires.

– All young people are subject to the same performance and legislation. We can help the citizen to have an overview over its options, writes socialchef in the Municipality of Randers, Carsten Wulff Hansen, but what are you thinking?