One of Mette Frederiksen-the government’s great socialist slagnumre now dramatically backfired in the prime minister’s own hinterland.

On the strip is throwing socialist mayors over Mette Frederiksen, and co.s udligningsreform, where rich municipalities have to deliver the money to the poor.

But the equation is skewed and opaque, believes the Camps of the Municipality mayor, Carsten Rasmussen (S), which must of eur 29 million. kr. according to the government proposal.

– If we are to have a serious debate whether it is right and fair, then you have to know how one has come forward to the numbers, says Carsten Rasmussen to Ekstra Bladet.

Socialist mayor in the Camps, Carsten Rasmussen. Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy
Must raise the tax
If Lejres citizens have to pay the whole bill to other municipalities, so it costs a half a percent on top of local taxation, explains the mayor.

And since we are already a municipality, there is pressure, I do not think that it hangs together, says Carsten Rasmussen.

in Fact, is the tax rate in the Camps are already higher than in Kalundborg, denmark, Mette Frederiksen believes should have more money.

the Article continues below the map …

In Hillerød smiles S-the mayor, Kirsten Jensen, either. Here, the local authority must pay to 33.5 million. kr. for poorer municipalities, and that without seeing the entire equation, explains the mayor.

– We have not had access to the numbers behind the calculations. There are many things that we have not been able to see yet, and why it is that we stand to lose so much money, ” says Kirsten Jensen, who had not expected to spend so many millions.

– It is a number that is going to hurt the Municipality, she felt.

the Mayor of Hillerød Municipality, Kirsten Jensen. Photo: Philip Davali

’A cold bucket of water to get slammed in the head’

– It is true, it is a cold bucket of water to get slammed in the head, he says to Ekstra Bladet.


– I’m definitely not impressed by the transparency. It is deeply unfair to us out in the municipalities closest to the chinese conditions in this matter, he says to TV2 Fyn.

– It is strange that we should be stamped as a rich municipality from the numbers, we look into here. When you see other municipalities that are being labeled as poor, it does not look pleasant out, says the mayor to the

– The current system is unfair, and on the basis of objective criteria should the economic burden of Skanderborg Municipality is facilitated. With the government’s proposal goes the exact opposite way – from evil to worse, he says to

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See also: Furious mayor threatens to take

The acid’s mayors to stand up in the wake of the socialist mayor of Hjørring, Arne Andersen. He directly threatens not to stand again, if the government proposal becomes a reality.

– I’m damn well not here anymore. So they’ll probably get a peace for me. That you can be on target for such a thing here, it that I know simply do not, ” says Arne Andersen for the New York times.

the Municipality of Hjørring is otherwise to hive a gain of 15.6 million dollars on the initiative, but the amount of drawers Arne Andersen.

– I start to be affected by discouragement, because there are spoken some expectations up at Christiansborg palace, which makes that my citizens will not hear mine, says Arne Andersen for the New York times.

Until now, seven unhappy’s mayors stood up with criticism of Mette Frederiksen’s response to a udligningsreform.

the Mayor of the Municipality of Hjørring, Arne Andersen. Photo: René Schütze

Minister: – does not Surprise me

the Social – and the interior minister, Astrid Krag (S) do not want to put up for an interview but in a written response sweeps she kritkken of the table.

’It doesn’t surprise me that municipalities will have to contribute more, is dissatisfied, and that others might wish for more money’, writes Astrid Krag.

’It’s understandable, but we give priority to redistribute from the better-off municipalities and municipalities with few problems for the more congested municipalities, yderkommuner and municipalities with many vulnerable citizens.’

at the same time, the minister, that it is nothing to come after in relation to transparency.

’We have put our proposal and calculations openly and have in fact been more open than the previous government on what we will’, writes Astrid Krag.

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the Social democratic movement recognises finansordfører Christian Rabjerg Madsen, to udligningsreformen is a difficult case to become popular on the.

– The later-day debate shows that when you make a udligningsreform between the municipalities, so you do not win any popularity contests. It we had not anticipated, says finansordfører Christian Rabjerg Madsen.

Reform ensures that we have a Denmark in a better economic balance by asking some municipalities, which have good economic conditions, to contribute a bit more, so we have more money to municipalities, which are challenged by the heavy socialsager, many elderly and a failed integration.

– You must surely see the whole equation and not just the upshot, if you want to have a real debate about more equality?

– Therefore, we have also put all the information forward for the mayors now.

– Those we have spoken with, do not believe that they have been given all the information they are seeking.

– It is at Christiansborg palace, where we are debating it here, and that we have previously laid out. And yesterday, we put the numbers forward for the mayors.

– We have just spoken with them, and they are not happy.

– It must be for their own account. We have now put all the numbers forward, so the mayors can see what is inside the belly of the udligningsreform to ensure Denmark is in better balance.