In Wednesday’s title of ‘Paradise Hotel’ checks there is a new girl at the hotel.

And the new girl is not just anyone. There is talk about Mariyah Samia, who is a well-known person in the realityverden and among other things has appeared in realityprogrammerne ‘Divas in the Jungle’ and ‘Occupied by the bad boys’.

Mariyah Czech, however not as an ordinary guest. She has a mission. During her stay she must help the boys to become ‘fit for fight’ to the Mr. Paradise competition.

– I is always the worst. Not, not the worst. The. I’m a little bit bad, says Mariyah to the camera as she checks in.

Danish well-known – 10. jan. 2020 – pm. 21:34 Drama of the year-tits: – Mine is the largest and finest

And she manages in the extent to put in the hotel, which of course dazzles up for a ‘bad boys’-party in connection with the Mariyahs arrival to the hotel.

Button is the feast come in time, before Mariyah throw the top and lets both boys and girls give her body tequila on her naked tits.

– After Mariyah is entered, it has all taken a very wild turn, says ‘paradisoen’ Anna with a grin with reference to, that several of the participants during the party, kissing each other and going for the under the sheets.

Mariyah is the new guest at the ‘Paradise Hotel’. But only for a while. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

En Ekstra Bladet prisoners Mariyah over the phone, she does not hide that she thinks it was a great experience to be in the ‘Paradise Hotel’.

– I could not think me to be in the game, but I think it was a fun opportunity to be in on the second half on the way. But when they first asked me if I would be with, wrinkled I’m a bit on the nose, but when I found out what I had to, it was something else, ” she says, and continues:

– the Experience was absolutely amazing. I have never been in Mexico, so in many ways, it was really cool to experience. It was very cosy inside the hotel, and it was great to meet the other guests and partying with them. They were really cute and did really well against me all along.

flash – 10. jan. 2020 – pm. 18:01 She gets one to think on the tits

– You must say that you also had in the hotel. It was supposed to?

– You can say that it was my intention to get walk in the street. You should make a little fuss, and one must say, that I was made to walk in the street, she says with a laugh.

– I had even made trouble. It is not everything, I can remember well. But one must say that we got one part tequila, and it went wild for him. People were the spritstive, and I am always ready for a body-shot of tequila. The stack completely, laughs she.

Mariyah creates walk in the street in the ‘Paradise Hotel’. Photo: Chronically Group Denmark

Mariyah was also a part of glatis during her stay, she says.

– There are regulations at the hotel, which I knew nothing about. I am always really early and when I woke up, I went just on an excursion and out to look on the lizard. You must not stand up before production, but this I knew not. So I got a little trouble, just to run around, laughing and she.

– But it is just part of the fun experience.