– It is an empty feeling, ” says Hans Jensen.

Hans Jensen owner tatoveringsforretningen ‘the Art Factory Tattoo’ on Lyshøjgårdsvej in Valby, where the porches around the clock 01.30 on the night of Thursday was destroyed by a bursting charge.

Ekstra Bladet meetings the next morning tatovøren and his colleagues in front of the store. They are in the process of cleaning up after the violent explosion. Broken glass from the large shop window is still scattered across the sidewalk, and a few metres away is a single golden tatoveringsnål.

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There were no injuries in the explosion. Photo: Henning Hjorth
Hans Jensen has tattooed since 1974, but the store at the Valby Station has only been there since 2015. He have no idea why his business should be the target for an explosion.

– I’m not falling out with anyone, he states.

– Actually, I think there is talk about pranks, and that it is no coincidence that it was just my store, it should go beyond. It is pointless.

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Several people in the area called the police, after it was sounded. Photo: Henning Hjorth
Residents ‘ support
While His Jensen and colleagues clears up, comes residents from the area regularly stop by and ask questions and offer their help and support.

– In just says to. No matter what, then says In the just to, say, a female inmate, who also lives in the building, and puts a hand on tatovørens shoulder.

Hans Jensen is concerned that the incident will affect his business.

– I is the set significantly back of it here, he says.

– There is enough for a month or more before I can open again. I hope not, that customers are now starting to feel unsafe.

– do you Feel creepy?

– No, I do not. Not at all. But it is a very intense experience.

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at Least ten people come by to provide support to the tatovøren, while Ekstra Bladet is staying at the store. Photo: Henning Hjorth
‘Proven in action’
the Shop is located in the living room in a four story apartment building. There is no damage to the apartments above the store.

Copenhagen Police investigating the explosion.

– We can exclude that it is a pipe. All the indications are that the explosion happened as a result of a deliberate action, said Leif Hansen, central vagtleder at the Copenhagen Police to Ekstra Bladet on Thursday morning.

It remains to be seen what caused the explosion.
Police are calling for witnesses who were in the area around the time of the explosion. The police can be contacted on telephone 114. Photo: Henning Hjorth