the Starting point is that education for pupils will continue the next two weeks, although students should not be at the schools to reduce the spread of infection of the coronavirus.

Education comes in place, so far as it is possible to be done online, while the schools are closed on Monday in the preliminary two weeks.

It says the minister for children and education), Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil (S) at a news conference on Thursday evening.

Parents have no obligation to hjemmeundervise their children.

– compulsory education is handled the same of them (the schools, ed.), there has been until now.

Schools are required to offer distance education to the extent they can, says Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil.

She will not go into speculation as to whether the closure of the schools is going to last longer than 14 days.

It is too early to assess, ” says minister for children and education.

It is not in the cards that the students will later be offered the education they miss.

– the Starting point is that there is not going erstatningsundervisning, says Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil.

She adds that they are ready to look at specific measures, for example 9. grade pupils for the exam this summer.

On the daginstitutionsområdet informs the minister that parents should not expect to get money back, even if they pay for day care centers, which also closes off on Monday and at least 14 days ahead.

however, There are established nødpasningsordninger.

the director of Patient safety informed the previous Thursday that the number of persons who are infected with coronavirus, is perched on the 674.

The first cases in Denmark were demonstrated 27. February.