the DSB has ordered ekstragrundig cleaning of trains in connection with the coronavirussens dissemination.

It tells the DSB’s pressevagt to Ekstra Bladet:

– We adhere to what the authorities say, and they say water and soap, so it is what we use. And then we have the extra cleaning of all surfaces, as the customers are in contact with, just like there are dried extra in the cab. There are extra clean on all surfaces, says DSB’s pressevagt.

DSB corresponds, after Ekstra Bladet has been contacted by a reader who was concerned about, that the surfaces do not become afsprittet:

– the Alcohol only covers 80 percent, so it’s about to wash your hands.

– Those who do purely have got to know that it is important to dry all surfaces of the. And if you are concerned about, you must spritte his fingers, it sounds far from pressevagten.