the Border to Denmark now because of the corona virus up to 13. april closed for the foreigners, who do not have anerkendelsesværdig reason to travel into the country.

the Government’s decision to isolate Denmark more or less from the outside world has entered in force on Saturday at 12: 00 noon.

At the border crossings in southern Jutland, in airports, ports and other places where people travel in from abroad, there will be a comprehensive border management, which must ensure the restrictions are complied with.

Several local was Saturday met up to see how it actually came to watch out, when the borders were closed.

At the border crossing at Padborg, they could see, among other, how people, who had been in Germany to act, could not come back along the familiar road, but instead was asked to run by the open transitions.

Them, there are now only three in the southern part of Jutland. South Jutland Police informs on Saturday afternoon on Twitter that there is very little traffic at the border in Frøslev.

At 15 Saturday, sounds the message from the politikredsen, from noon and onwards have rejected the provisional 29 persons at the border crossings in the Semen, Kruså and Frøslev, counts of.

Copenhagen Police informs that up to 13 hours on Saturday has been rejected 13 persons at the Bridge, while in the Copenhagen Airport have been no rejections.

At Sydsjællands and Lolland-Falster Police, according to inspector Kim Kliver in the early afternoon been rejected five persons at the ferry in Rödbyhavn.

The Police inform the card before o’clock, 14 Saturday, that you have carried out the first control in Aalborg Airport by a flight from Salzburg. Only danes was on the plane, so no one was rejected.

Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) announced on Friday evening at a news conference that the man, in an attempt to limit the spread of coronavirus from Saturday dinner would close the borders more or less.

the Danish citizens have the right to enter the country, but the aliens will only come in if they have a creditable purpose, for example if they live or work in the country.

The next month, will the authorities ask the tourists and people who come on family visits, to turn about if they are trying to get into the country.

In southern Jutland is ten less border crossings closed. It is not possible to get into or out of the kingdom along these roads.

Only the three major transitions at the Cumshot, Kruså and Frøslev, counts will be possible to pass, if you will ad the land route from Germany to Denmark.