A taxi and a police car have Saturday early evening been involved in a traffic accident on Tuborgvej ” in Copenhagen.

It tells vagtchef by the Copenhagen Police Kristian Rohdin to Ekstra Bladet.

– Patruljevognen sets after a car, believed stolen, and so it happens that the crash, says Kristian Rohdin.

Vagtchefen do not yet know the circumstances around the accident, but says that, in addition to patruljevognen also was a taxi involved.

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Here is the taxi, which also have suffered some damage. Photo: Kenneth Meyer
No injuries
There were no injuries after the accident, notify the vagtchefen.

– There has not been anything serious, our two colleagues has been taken to hospital for investigations, says Kristian Rohdin.

Also, the driver of the taxi is, according to the vagtchefen driven to the study.

There are no injuries in the accident. Photo: Kenneth Meyer