Spain is going through in these days a severe outbreak of coronavirus. The latest day of the dead more than 100 people as a result of the virus, and there have been 2000 new smittetilfælde to. Also among the professional athletes.

In the football club Valencia has the epidemic hit hard. Thus, five persons associated with the varsity, infected, indicate, in a statement.

the Club reports that all five are doing well and staying in their home. There is not put the names of the infected, but on his Instagram profile confirms the argentine defender Ezequiel Garay, that he is one of them:

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Está claro que el 2020, lo I started con mala pata. He dado positivo al coronaviruses, me encuentro muy bien y ahora solo queda hacer caso a las autoridades sanitarias, de momento estar aislado. #g24

A spread shared by Ezequiel Garay (@ezequielgaray24) the

‘It is clear that the 2020 has started very poorly. I have tested positive for the coronavirus. I have it good, and now it is just about to follow health authorities ‘ advice to remain in isolation,’ he writes.

the Spanish media believe to know that there is also talk about the players Eliaquim Mangala and Jose Luis Gayá, as well as two persons from the technical staff.

Thus there is not talk about the Danish midfielder Daniel Wass, who daily earns his money in the østspanske club

the Spanish football – 15. mar. 2020 – pm. 10:24 Braithwaite live on spøgelseshotel

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