He said, “It’s got something to it percolating beneath that keeps it from becoming completely disposable after it’s been watched.”

Needless to state, he was delighted that “KIMI” came out at the right time. It is a classic thriller that will keep you on your toes about a home assistant that records a possible murder and the tech worker (Zoe Kravitz), who hears it. It will debut Thursday on HBO Max.

David Koepp (“Panic Room”) was the screenwriter who had first thought of the idea after reading about how Amazon Echorecordings could possibly be used in criminal cases. The script, which he had written in the early days of the pandemic, was irresistible for Soderbergh.

He said that Thrillers give you the freedom to express yourself stylistically in ways you wouldn’t be able to with a comedy or straight drama. It requires a bravura visual approach to enhance the story.

He was even involved in the design of the device.

“I don’t have any specific design ideas.” He said that a particular shape came to him for some reason. “I brought one home and kept it as a souvenir.”

He knew that the film would be a success because of its main character Angela Childs. She is a quirky, agoraphobic analyst who has her own traumas and is always on camera. Although Kravitz didn’t know Kravitz personally, he was a long-time fan of her work, particularly in “High Fidelity.”

He said, “I was convinced from the beginning that she’s a movie star.” It’s difficult to have one person rule the entire company. I believe it is a challenge that can be really enjoyable if the right person has the right tools. She is a natural beauty and a beacon of intelligence. She also has molecular control of her voice, body, and face. She can do anything, and that’s what this movie needed.

Kravitz was coming directly from “The Batman,” which ran over a year due to COVID-19 complications. Although she had wanted to work alongside Soderbergh, she was able to relate to Angela after being trapped in her apartment for six months during the pandemic.

They didn’t get to meet up until their first day on the set because things happened so fast. However, they had been able to connect over text. They said it was mostly Mariah gifs, but they realized that they have a similar work style and decided to eliminate the middlemen in a ridiculous back-and-forth about scheduling a fitting. It was a problem that had taken them more than a week to solve. Kravitz was not fully prepared for the “Soderbergh Experience.”

“The first day that I went on the set was to meet him. I thought we would just talk about the weather and shoot the (expletive). I was nervous and excited, and he said, “Yes, you’re going there, and you’re coming out here.” I replied, “Oh, we’re making the movie now?” She said, “Okay.” “I thought I was going to meet him on set, but I left after shooting the first scene of this movie.”

He was fast and she knew it from friends, but she didn’t fully appreciate his unique process until she was there. It was a refreshing break from blockbuster movies like “The Batman.”

She said, “It’s an entire experience.” The end result is simply amazing. It is an amazing experience to be able to witness this process in action. It’s a wonderful experience to be able to live the Steven Soderbergh experience. We do so many takes on ‘Batman’ because it is such an epic film. Matt (Reeves), the director, is also so big and complicated.

“It was fun to pivot to a very distinct style of filmmaking.”

Soderbergh was impressed by Kravitz’s willingness to behave like an individual who is all alone. She shared ideas about bad hair dye that she thought they would use, as she knew that a lot of people were trying it at home.

He said, “She has this fearlessness.” “She doesn’t protect anything and that’s rare.”

Although “KIMI” was filmed 10 months ago, the film feels fresh in its handling of the pandemic. Some people have moved on while others are still hiding. He had spoken to his “Contagion Peeps”, who predicted a hybrid future.

Soderbergh is often in a position to predict the future, especially for his business. He’s good at it. He’s not just good at talking, but he’s also willing to take chances with new formats. “KIMI” is his third movie that he has made and which aired on HBO Max over the past two-years.

He said, “My current home” is where people who enjoy mid-level movies for grownups hang out. “It makes sense that KIMI goes where the audience is looking at things.”

He believes it is a great time for people who make things. He also sees the uncertainty in the industry as “absolutely unpredicted.”

He said that people are overworked and overwhelmed. It’s very difficult for a company to determine what the five-year plan should look. This is the solution to all your problems: Make some good stuff. This solves all your problems. Every Warner employee I spoke to has been encouraged to use the curation approach. It’s better not to make too many good things than to make enough good stuff. This, regardless of whether I’m correct, is how you differentiate yourself from other platforms.