Sum up 2022 for Havas Media Group.

A good year, over budget. We noticed dynamism and a lot of commercial activity. In our case, we have a spectacular conversion rate in contests, we are able to capitalize on that vitality.

How will the year end?

With a growth of 6% compared to 2021 and more than 120 million euros of new business. That number is outrageous. The annual average of a large media agency is around 70 million, and we have spent years above 100 in capturing new business.

Don’t you notice the current instability?

Of course, there are sectors affected by everything that surrounds us, such as mass consumption. But others, such as banking and insurance, leisure and tourism, are moving. At Havas Media Group we have a broad and diversified portfolio, represented by many sectors, which helps to have the most controlled business.

I don’t see her worried.

There are many conversations in which there is talk of concern, but there is no data to support it. Furthermore, let us not forget that this crisis is temporary, which allows us to make medium-term plans. We are a tremendously resilient industry.

What are the keys to your success?

consistency and coherence. We are very clear about our strategic plan drawn up four years ago, which has led us precisely to the best result in the last five years. That plan includes the main lines that we are following, for the moment, with success.

Tell us.

The creation of value, the investment in knowledge, the incorporation of new profiles, the improvement of the product, and the implementation of organizational and process changes at all levels.

At Havas Media Group they carry out intense research work.

We are generous and do a lot for our business and our industry. In the last month we have launched three quantitative studies; one of them, unpublished, analyzes why the media are important for people.

How do you face 2023?

The focus is on maintaining consistency with the plan, continuing to professionalize the company and the industry and, of course, continuing to create media experiences. And that is only achieved with context, content and connection.

What figures do you manage for the next exercise?

The path is that of increase. We expect 10% more, supported above all in the digital area.

The content one will also be one of the most important for Havas Media Group.

More than 40 professionals work in this division alone. Data will also continue to grow. And e-commerce: we have already developed a team of more than 30 people to promote the area that generates a sale in the very short term with each euro invested.

The attraction of talent seems to be an indispensable milestone.

Our commitment is to combine senior talent with the new one. It is the mixture of experience and knowledge with the daring of young people, who are capable of challenging the status quo.

Recruiting talent is quite a challenge, but retaining it is as much or more so.

Policies such as flexibility or teleworking are already more than consolidated. At Havas Media Group we are already at a higher level: we think about the motivations of each professional in order to adapt and attract, or retain, talent. This year we have grown again in engagement and satisfaction of employees in the group.

There seems to be some discrepancy in the industry when it comes to defining the current role of a media agency.

I don’t understand why some colleagues deny being a media agency. At Havas Media Group we know what it means to be a media agency in capital letters: our value is deep knowledge of the media, with a different perspective. And we must understand them even better. We talk about being data and communication agencies… We must all take pride in being what we are.

Do you augur a good future for the industry?

We will always be necessary for advertisers because they seek to simplify what is complex. We also detected how some in-house structures are being dismantled to once again trust an agency. We provide the maximum knowledge and resources.

It’s time for self-criticism.

The time we spend diagnosing and making better use of the amount of data we collect. We need to streamline the process and get more out of that information.

Will the media still be relevant?

We are defenders of traditional media. They maintain democracy, and show that people need them to be informed or entertained. And it doesn’t matter if the audience consumes them on paper, digital or in whatever format: the important thing is the brand. That is the value, they provide credibility and trust.