Many people suffer from a sprained ankle every day. Injuries such as this are very common. However, they can also be quite painful. The difficulty with having a sprained ankle is that it can be hard to look after. There’s always the chance that you could injure your ankle again if you are not careful.

This article can help you to take care of a sprained ankle. You can learn how to encourage healing and prevention of further ankle sprains.

Stop Using Your Ankle

Right now, you need to stop using your ankle. While you may be tempted to use it a little, you could damage it even further. Additional use of your ankle could help to prevent it from healing properly, if at all.

If you can, use a stick or some crutches to help you move around. If you don’t have a stick or crutches or you cannot get any, ask someone to get them for you. Alternatively, you may want to consider ordering some online.

A stick or a crutch can help you to maneuver while ensuring weight is taken off your ankle. Use your stick or crutch whenever you need to move around. While it can take time to get used to using something to help you walk, it’s important that you try.

Taking Painkillers

Whether you choose to see a doctor or a chiropractor near you, it’s likely they will suggest you take painkillers. Some medications can both relieve pain and help to reduce inflammation.

When inflammation is reduced it can help to relieve pain. Medication such as anti-inflammatories and painkillers can be bought at your local pharmacy. However, you should make sure that you always take the medication as instructed. When you do, you are much more likely to get some efficacy from it.

If your pain does not subside or you’re not getting sufficient pain relief please speak to your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe medication that’s a little stronger. Again, take the medication as instructed.

Resting Your Ankle

As was previously mentioned, you need to rest your ankle. You may need to take the weight off your ankle for at least a few weeks. This can help to encourage healing. It also means you’re less likely to cause further injuries.

If you’re quite an active or independent person you could find this hard. However, the more rest that your ankle has, the more likely it is to recover soon.

Use Ice To Deal With Swelling

Many people use ice to help them deal with the swelling. The ice will need to be wrapped in a cloth or towel before it’s placed onto your ankle. This is to prevent the ice from burning your skin.

Hold the ice in place for up to 20 minutes and repeat 2 to 3 times a day. You may well find that the swelling starts to go down right away. Alternatively, it could take a little longer. In any case, continue to use ice or an ice pack to help to reduce the swelling until it’s almost gone.

Using Compression Bandages

Compression bandages can be an ideal way for you to reduce the swelling in your ankle. They can also help to prevent additional swelling.

Please note, that the compression bandage should not be too tight. The blood supply to your ankle should not be cut off. Rather, the bandage should provide a bit of compression that isn’t making your pain worse.

If your ankle is too painful to touch you should speak to your doctor. There’s always a chance that you have sustained a more serious injury.

Elevating Your Ankle

As you are already away, you need to take the weight off your ankle. Elevating your ankle is a good way to do this. Elevation can also help to reduce inflammation and pain. This is because there will be less blood in your ankle.

Place your ankle on a cushion, a pillow, or anything else that’s soft. Keep your ankle still, and rest it there for as long as you can.

Keeping Your Ankle Stabilized

When your ankle begins to heal you may be tempted to start walking on it. However, you should only walk on your ankle when it’s not painful to do so.

When you do walk, try to keep your ankle stabilized. You may find that using a splint or a bandage can help with this. Try to find what works for you. It may be that you have to try a few options before you can feel confident that your ankle isn’t going to roll.

Any physical therapist will tell you that exercises can help to strengthen your ankle. However, everyone’s ankles are different. This means that what works for you may not work for someone else. Be careful with ankle-strengthening exercises as you could make your ankle worse. Ask your doctor to recommend a physical therapist who could help you. Your doctor may even suggest some exercises to you.

Helping To Prevent Future Injuries

You should be aware that once you have sprained an ankle it’s likely you will sprain it again. Ankles can be tricky joints to deal with. They can cause a lot of issues if they do not heal correctly. This is why it’s important you do what you can to prevent future injuries.

Wear boots or shoes that support your ankle. Walking boots, for example, can be ideal as can work boots. They help to support your ankle and prevent you from rolling it.

You may also want to consider only walking on stable surfaces. Unstable surfaces can cause you to roll and sprain your ankle once more. Stay on stable and flat surfaces as much as you can.

Sprained ankles can be very painful. They can also take a long time to heal. Some sprained ankles never heal fully. Use the tips found above to help you to talk care of your sprained ankle. If you are concerned about your ankle or it isn’t getting better please speak to your doctor.